Curriculum Framework

The courses offered for Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication Engineering program are aligned with vision, mission, PEOs and PLOs.

Definition of Credit Hour: One credit hour represents one contact hour a week in class or three contact hours a week of laboratory work per semester. An academic semester represents 16 weeks of classes including mid semester examination. The distribution is as follows,

Duration     4 years
Semesters     8
Weeks per Semester     22 weeks
- Teaching (including mid semester exam)     16 weeks
- Final Examination Preparation     2 weeks
- Final Examination Conduct     4 weeks
Total number of Credit Hours (CHs)     134
Credit Hours per Semester     16 - 18
Total number of Courses     41
Engineering Domain Courses     73.33%
Non-Engineering Domain Courses     26.66%
Total number of Contact Hours     3072

A student's journey to become a professional engineer spans over a multitude of knowledge areas other than the core area. The emphasis is given to telecommunication basics during initial semesters to equip the students to understand and solve engineering problems in a scientific way.

Download Syllabus: 19TL - 21TL | 22TL - 23TL | 24TL Onwards

Course Contents

1st Semester Courses

MTH108 Applied Calculus 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Pre-Engineering
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Natural Science (Math)
Course Code   |   MTH108
Semester   |   1st
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Determine the functions and their derivatives.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Compute the integral calculus with applications.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply the vector calculus in the field of engineering.


Introduction to Functions:

Mathematical and physical meaning of functions, graphs of various functions, types of functions.

Introduction to Limits:

Theorems of limits and their applications to functions, right hand and left hand limits, continuous and discontinuous functions and their applications.


Introduction to derivatives, geometrical and physical meaning of derivatives, partial derivatives and their geometric significance, application problems (rate of change, marginal analysis).

Higher Derivatives:

Leibnitz theorem, Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem, taylors and maclaurins series.

Evaluation of limits using L'Hopital's rule:

Indeterminate forms (0 ÷ 0), (∞ ÷ ∞), (0 × ∞), (∞ - ∞), 1, ∞0, 00

Application of Derivatives:

Asymptotes, tangents and normal, curvature and radius of curvature, differentials with application.

Application of Partial Derivatives:

Euler's theorem, total differentials, maxima and minima of function of two variables.

Integral Calculus:

Methods of integration by substitution and by parts, integration of rational and irrational algebraic functions, definite integrals, improper integrals, gamma and beta functions, reduction formulae.

Application of Integral Calculus:

Cost function from marginal cost, rocket flights, area under curve.

Vector Calculus:

Vector differentiation and vector integration with their physical interpretation and applications, ▽ operator, gradient, divergence and curl with their application.

Recommended Books
  1. Brief Calculus and its Applications - Daniel Dale Benice (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0395824648 or ISBN-13: 978-0395824641)
  2. Applied Calculus - Raymond F. Coughlin (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 020506910X or ISBN-13: 978-0205069101)
  3. Calculus with Analytical Geometry - S. M. Yousuf, Muhammad Amin (7th Edition)
TL122 Applied Physics 3 Credit Hours
ENG101 Functional English 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   English Language Proficiency of Intermediate
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanities (English)
Course Code   |   ENG101
Semester   |   1st
Effective   |   13TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Write varied contents including official letters, e-mails, and applications and summarize the texts using appropriate grammatical mechanisms and cohesive devices.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply skimming, scanning and detailed reading and listening strategies to understand gist of the text/conversation.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Demonstrate their skills using english language to express their point of view, show arguments and deliver a presentation in a real life situations.



Interactive reading, apply the skills of surveying skimming, scanning and detailed reading and identify topic sentence.


Audience related writing, composition of sentences, paragraph, short descriptive writing, precis and letter and application, identify contextual clues with the help of cohesive devices.


Collect gist and important points from a listening text or any other oral source viz. Lecture, speech or conversation.


Taking part in different real life situations, answer question, argue and explain one’s point of view, ask for information-turn taking techniques and presentation skills.


Mechanics of english language, punctuation, vocabulary, conversion of words, tenses and sentence structure.

Recommended Books
  1. A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 1 (Bk. 1) - Audrey Thomson, Agnes Martinet (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0194313433 or ISBN-13: 978-0194313438)
  2. Academic Writing Course (Collins study skills in English) - R.R. Jordan (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0003700046 or ISBN-13: 978-0003700046)
  3. Listening Comprehension and Note Taking Course (Collins study skills in English) - K. James, R. R. Jordan, A. J. Matthews (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0003700011 or ISBN-13: 978-0003700015)
  4. A New English Course: An Approach to GCSE English Language for Individual Study of Class Use - Rhodri Jones (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0435105019)
  5. Axelrod and Cooper's Concise Guide to Writing - Rise B. Axelrod, Charles R. Cooper (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0312668902 or ISBN-13: 978-0312668907)
  6. English for Undergraduates - T. A. Kirkpatrick, D. L. Kirkpatric, D. H. Howe (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0195472195 or ISBN-13: 978-0195472196)
  7. Essential Grammar in Use: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Learners of English - Raymond Murphy (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 1107480558 or ISBN-13: 978-1107480551)
  8. How To Write Better English (Penguin Writers' Guides) - Robert Allen (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0141016760 or ISBN-13: 978-0141016764)
  9. Oxford Practice Grammar: With Answers - John Eastwood (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0194313697 or ISBN-13: 978-0194313698)
  10. Selected text from DAWN newspaper, readers digest, new scientist and other relevant material of teacher's choice.
CS110 Introduction to Programming 3 Credit Hours
IS111 Islamic Studies 2 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanitites (Culture)
Course Code   |   SS111
Semester   |   1st
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain scope and significance of basic beliefs and pillars of Islam, their impact on different aspects of individual’s life and society.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Enhance understanding of Quran, Hadith and life of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as the source of inspiration and guidance.


I. Quran and Uloom-ul-Quran
  • Surah al-Hujurat and Surah al-Furqan cover all topics related to the ethical values of Islamic society including taqwa, simplicity, lawful earning, social justice, rights of parents, elders, neighbors, fear of Allah and truthfulness, excellence of Holy Quran, history of collection and compilation of Holy Quran.
II. Basic Beliefs of Islam
  • Tauheed, its importance, effects on the life of believer, shirk and its types, prophethood, its need and necessities, characteristics and finality of prophethood, concept on life hereafter, jihad and its types.
III. Life history of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
  • Life history at makkah (before propehthood)
  • Life history at makkah (after propehthood)
  • Life history at madina (including brotherhood, charter of madina, victory of makkah and last sermon of holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
  • Importance of hadith and sunnah
  • Ten selected ahadiths
IV. Fundamentals of Islam
  • Prayer, its importance, pre-conditions, obligations and effects
  • Zakat, its aims and objectives, requirements, legal recipients, nisab and benefits
  • Fasting, its philosophy, requirements and benefits
  • Pilgrimage, requirements, types, obligations, procedure and benefits
V. Islam and Science
  • Quran and science, importance of science and technology in Islam, historical contribution of Islam and Muslims in the development of science.
  • Verses of Holy Quran that cover different fields of science e.g. social, management and natural science.
Recommended Books
  1. Islam: The Universal Religion - A. A. Umrani (1st Edition, 1994)
  2. The Future of Pakistan - Stephen P. Cohen (1st Edition, 1994)
  3. Sirat-e-Mustaqeem - A. Q. Natiq (1st Edition, 1992)
  4. Islam aur Hamari Zindagi - S. M. Saeed (1st Edition, 1988)
  5. Quran Science and Muslims - M. Shabudden (1st Edition, 2000)
SS104 Ethics 2 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanitites (Culture)
Course Code   |   SS104
Semester   |   1st
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Create stable and healthy civilized society.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Develop uniformity of moral beliefs and behaviour.


I. Islam
    Introduction, role of beliefs and arkans of Islam in character building, ethical values including brotherhood, equality, liberty, tolerance, social justice, rights of non-muslim, effects of corruption and respect of law.
II. Hinduism
    Introduction, doctrines, religious books, concept of re-birth, celebration days, cast systems, trimurti, ethical teaching.
III. Budhism
    Introduction, doctrines, eight nobel paths of buddha, critical study of renunciation of material and wordly life.
IV. Christianity
    Introduction, doctrines, religious books, human honor, self reforms, celebration days and ethical teaching.
V. Judaism
    Introduction, doctrines, religious books, ethical values, ten commandments of prophet Moses.
Recommended Books
  1. A Comparative Study of the Religions of Today - Mohammed Ali Muhiyaddin (1st Edition)
  2. Comparative Study of Religions - A. Rasheed (1st Edition, 2001)
  3. Ikhlaqiyat Mazahib-e-Aalam ki Nazar Main - Aadil Faraz (1st Edition, 2002)
  4. Mazahib-e-Aalam jo Taqabili Jaezo - M. Hashim Channa (1st Edition, 1988)
PS106 Pakistan Studies 2 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanitites (Culture)
Course Code   |   PS106
Semester   |   1st
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Trace the Muslim nationalism in South Asia and the creation of Pakistan.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Discuss the constitutional and political history of Pakistan and to analyse contemporary challenges to Pakistan.


I. The Historical Background of Pakistan
  • Evolution and growth of Muslim society in Subcontinent
  • Muslim Revivalist and Reformist Movements
  • The Factors that shaped the Muslim Nationalism in the Subcontinent
  • The Factors that led birth to Pakistan
  • Ideology of Pakistan with special reference to Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  • Role of Sindh in Making of Pakistan
II. History of Internal and External Affairs of Pakistan
  • The Constitutional and Political Developments in Pakistan (1947-1973)
  • The Constitution of 1973; Salient Features and Amendments
  • Political Development in Pakistan (1973 to date)
  • Determinants of Foreign Policy of Pakistan
  • Pakistan’s Relations with Big Powers
III. Contemporary Pakistan (Issues and Challenges)
  • Geo-Strategic Significance of Pakistan
  • Economic Potential and its Utilization
  • Challenges to National Security of Pakistan
  • Internal Political, Economic and Legal Problems
  • Futuristic Outlook of Pakistan
Recommended Books
  1. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy 1947-2016: A Concise History - Abdul Sattar (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0199407126 or ISBN-13: 978-0199407125)
  2. The Future of Pakistan - Stephen P. Cohen (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0815721803 or ISBN-13: 978-0815721802)
  3. Frontline Pakistan: The Struggle with Militant Islam - Zahid Hussain (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0067008127 or ISBN-13: 978-0067008126)
  4. The Struggle for Pakistan: A Muslim Homeland and Global Politics - Ayesha Jalal (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0674052897 or ISBN-13: 978-0674052895)
  5. A Concise History of Pakistan - Muhammad Reza Kazimi (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0199065128 or ISBN-13: 978-0199065127)
  6. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan - Hamid Khan (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0195477871 or ISBN-13: 978-0195477870)
  7. A History of Pakistan - Roger D. Long (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0199400245 or ISBN-13: 978-0199400249)
  8. Islam, Ethnicity and Power Politics: Constructing Pakistan’s National Identity - Rasul Bakhsh Rais (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0815722745 or ISBN-13: 978-0815722748)
  9. Pakistan: The Formative Phase 1857-1948 - Khalid Bin Sayeed, George Cunningham (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0195771141 or ISBN-13: 978-0195771145)
  10. Pakistan: A New History - Ian Talbot (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0199391084 or ISBN-13: 978-0199391080)
  11. Jinnah of Pakistan - Stanley Wolpert (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0195678591 or ISBN-13: 978-0195678598)
Supplementary Texts & References
  1. A Short History of Pakistan - Ishtiaq Husain Qureshi (1st ISBN-10: 9694040086
  2. History of Pakistan - Rafiullah Shehab (1st Edition, 1989)
  3. Our Freedom Fighters, 1562-1947: Twenty-one Great Lives - G. Allana (1st Edition, 1976)
  4. The Making of Pakistan: A Study in Nationalism - K. K. Aziz (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 969350870X or ISBN-13: 978-9693508703)
  5. The Emergence of Pakistan - Chaudhri Muhammad Ali (1st Edition, 1983)
  6. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: Indian Perspectives - K. Arif (1st Edition, 1984)
  7. The Economy of Pakistan - Khawaja Amjad Saeed (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0199060800 or ISBN-13: 978-9693508703)
  8. International Affairs - Safdar Mahmood (1st Edition, 1967)
  9. Political System of Pakistan - Khalid Bin Sayeed (1st Edition, 1987)

2nd Semester Courses

EL102 Circuit Analysis 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Applied Physics
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Foundation Engineering
Course Code   |   EL102
Semester   |   2nd
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain AC/DC based electrical circuits as well as the related theorems to help solve and draw the equivalent circuits.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Differentiate between steady state/transient analysis of circuits along with different forms of sinusoidal/exponential excitations and their responses.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Prepare experiments in laboratory to validate the laws and theories of circuit analysis.


I. Introduction

Review of KVL, KCL, nodal and loop analysis, serial/parallel connections of two terminal circuit elements

II. Elementary Transient Analysis

Differential and Integral forms of circuit equations, initial voltage on a capacitor, initial current in an inductor, first-order circuits, solution of single first order differential equations, homogeneous, particular and total solutions, exponential responses, second-order circuits.

III. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis

Network response to sinusoidal driving functions, complex impedance and admittance functions, development of concept of phasor, power consideration, complex power, maximum power transfer,circuits, series and parallel RLC circuits, quality factor.

IV. Network Theorems

Linear and non-linear networks, superposition theorem, reciprocity theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, equivalent networks, thevenin’s theorem, thevenin’s equivalent network, norton’s theorem, norton’s equivalent networks, T-equivalent networks.

Lab Outline

Learn the use of basic instruments in electrical engineering such as function generators, power supplies, oscilloscopes. Design and implement circuits using R, RL, RC, RLC combination and observe resonance and impedance characteristics. Verify node voltage and current in RLC circuits as well as circuit theorems using laboratory instruments. Circuit transformation should also be verified using laboratory instruments. Related concepts are established through simulation tools such as PSPICE, Multisim etc.

Recommended Books
  1. Basic Circuit Theory - Charles A. Desoer, Ernest S. Kuh (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0070851832 or ISBN-13: 978-0070851832)
  2. Basic Electrical Engineering - Arthur Eugene Fitzgerald, David E. Higginbotham, Arvin Grabel (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 007021154X or ISBN-13: 978-0070211544)
  3. Schaum’s Outline of Electric Circuits - Mahmood Nahvi, Joseph Edminister (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0071830456 or ISBN-13: 978-0071830454)
  4. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Matthew Sadiku, Charles Alexander (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0073380571 or ISBN-13: 978-0073380575)
  5. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis - J. David Irwin, R. Mark Nelms (9th Edition, ISBN-10: 0470128690 or ISBN-13: 978-0470128695)
  6. Electric Circuits - James W. Nilsson, Susan Riedel (9th Edition, ISBN-10: 0136114997 or ISBN-13: 978-0136114994)
  7. The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits - Roland E. Thomas, Albert J. Rosa, Gregory J. Toussaint (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 1118065581 or ISBN-13: 978-1118065587)
MTH112 Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Applied Calculus
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Natural Science (Maths)
Course Code   |   MTH112
Semester   |   2nd
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Determine the basic operation of matrix algebra and solution of system of linear equations.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply the concepts of two and three dimensional geometry.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Determine the area and volume of bounded regions using multiple integrals.


I. Introductions to Matrices and Elementary Row Operations

Brief introduction of matrices, types of matrices, introduction to elementary row operations, echelon and reduced echelon forms, rank of a matrix, inverse of a matrix using elementary row operations.

II. System of Linear Equations

System of non-homogeneous and homogeneous linear equations, gaussian elimination method, gauss jordan method, consistence criterion for solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous system of linear equations, application of system of linear equations.

III. Determinants

Introduction to determinants, properties of determinants of order n, rank of a matrix by using determinants.

IV. Analytic Geometry of 3-Dimensions

Introduction, coordinates in R3

V. Line

Coordination of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio, straight line, in R3, vector form of a straight line, parametric equations of a straight line, equation of a straight line in symmetric form, direction ratios and direction cosines, angle between two straight lines, distance of a point from a line.

VI. Plane

Equation of a plane, angle between two planes, intersection of two planes, a plane and a straight line, skew lines, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.

VII. Sphere

General equation of sphere, latitude and longitude directions, direction of Qibla.

VIII. Multiple Integrals

Evaluation of double and triple integrals in cartesian and polar coordinates.

Recommended Books
  1. Brief Calculus and its Applications - Daniel Dale Benice (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0395824648 or ISBN-13: 978-0395824641)
  2. Applied Calculus with Linear Programming for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences - Raymond A. Barnett (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0536024499 or ISBN-13: 978-0536024497)
  3. Calculus with Analytical Geometry - S. M. Yousuf, Muhammad Amin (7th Edition)
  4. Mathematical Methods - S. M. Yousuf, Abdul Majeed, Muhammad Amin (2nd Edition)
TL113 Introduction to Simulation 3 Credit Hours
ES112 Basic Electronics 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Engineering Foundation
Course Code   |   ES112
Semester   |   2nd
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Describe the atomic structure and energy level diagram for intrinsic an extrinsic semiconductors and explain the functions of various materials used in the construction/development of standard electronic components.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Demonstrate the basics of diode, its types and various models used to construct different applications such as rectification, clipping and clamping.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyse the working principle of BJT/FET and differentiate them in terms of construction, symbols, identification and characteristics.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design and identify transistor biasing circuit configuration and connections used to develop various applications such as switch and amplifier.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Carry out experiments on circuitry and circuit-systems used for radio, television, fiber-optic, laser, computer, and microprocessor devices.


I. Introduction to Diodes:

Atomic structure of elements, energy level diagram of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, doping, formation of P/N type material, semiconductor diodes, forward and reverse characteristics of diode, types of diodes, equivalent circuits of diodes, diode as a switch, special purpose diodes, applications of diodes, half wave and full wave rectifiers, clipper and clamper circuits, voltage multipliers

II. Bipolar Junction Transistors

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), transistor operation, types of transistor, transistor biasing configurations, DC and AC analysis of BJT, transistor as a switch and an amplifier

III. Field Effect Transistors

Field Effect Transistor (FET), FET biasing and configuration techniques, DC and AC analysis of FET and its applications as a switch and amplifier, MOSFET

Lab Outline

The emphasis is first on understanding the characteristics of diodes and transistors. Based on this understanding students are required to construct more complex circuits such as rectifier circuits and power supplies.

  1. Diode: Data sheet reading, analyzing diode characteristics on a curve tracer, finding a defective diode among a batch of non-defective diodes, various kinds of diode and their uses, and drawing of symbols.
  2. Simulation of Basic Electronic Circuits using PSpice/Multisim
Recommended Books
  1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory - Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky (10th Edition, ISBN-10: 0135026490 or ISBN-13: 978-0135026496)
  2. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits: Electron Flow Version - Robert T. Paynter (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131716395 or ISBN-13: 978-0131716391)
  3. A Practical Book on Basic Electronics - Qurban A. Memon, Irfan A. Halepoto (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 9698680144)
  4. The First Practical Book on Electronic Workshop - B. S. Chowdhry and Ahsan Ursani (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 9698680039)
Supplementary Texts & References
  1. Microelectronic Circuits - Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0195323033 or ISBN-13: 978-0195323030)
  2. Microelectronic Circuit Design - Richard C. Jaeger, Travis Blalock (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0073529605 or ISBN-13: 978-0073529608)
CS123 Object Oriented Programming 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Introduction to Programming
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Computing (Programming)
Course Code   |   CS123
Semester   |   2nd
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 1 and 2): Discuss and Define the basic principles of object oriented programming.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Illustrate architecture, working and construction of various structures in object oriented programming using C++/Java.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3 and 4): Practice to code the problem statements and analyze by debugging and executing in C++/Java.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Perform a task to solve the problem statement and execute programs in C++/Java.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 6): Design different projects in C++/Java/Python.


I. Perspective

Procedural versus object oriented programming languages, concepts of object oriented programming, C++ and object-oriented programming, why C++/Java/Python, features, pros/cons of C++/Java/Python

II. Data Structures in C++

Structure, accessing structure members, structure as function arguments, pointers to structures, the typedef keyword

III. Object-Orientation

Object oriented design strategy and problem solving, objects and classes, member functions, public and private members, dynamic memory management, implementation of stacks and queues, priority queues, tree, binary tree, binary search tree, depth-first/breadth first traversal, hashing, searching: (linear search, binary search, depth first / breadth first search), constructors and destructors, templates, object encapsulation, data hiding, derived classes, class hierarchies, inheritance and polymorphism, inheritance hierarchies and multiple inheritance, operator overloading, templates and container classes, exception handling, stream class, practical design through object oriented programming

Lab Outline

Object oriented programming environment, implementation of object oriented programs: classes, methods, objects, abstract classes and inheritance, overloading and overriding, class aggregation, implementation of polymorphism, use of constructors and destructors, memory management, testing and debugging.

Recommended Platforms: Java, C++, Python.

Recommended Books
  1. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ - Robert Lafore (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0672323087 or ISBN-13: 978-0672323089)
  2. Effective Java - Joshua Bloch (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0321356683 or ISBN-13: 860-1300201986)
  3. Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming - Dusty Phillips (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 1784398780 or ISBN-13: 978-1784398781)
  4. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ - Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh Mehta (nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0929306376 or ISBN-13: 978-0929306377)

3rd Semester Courses

ES205 Amplifiers and Oscillators 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Basic Electronics
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Breadth)
Course Code   |   ES205
Semester   |   3rd
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Describe basics of electronic amplifiers, power amplifiers, tuned amplifiers and feedback amplifiers.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Solve analog filters, schmitt trigger and operational amplifier.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design analog filters, oscillators and voltage regulators using operational amplifiers.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2 and 5): Build laboratory projects in a team and ability to conduct experiments related to different applications of operational amplifiers.


I. Amplifier Fundamentals
  • Gain calculation – system analysis, single stage BJT and FET amplifier, frequency response.
II. Practical Amplifier Considerations
  • Input and output impedance, real and apparent gain, amplifier loading, impedance matching of amplifiers.
III. Power Amplifiers
  • Classes of power amplifiers, series-fed class A amplifiers, power efficiency and dissipation, harmonic distortion, single-ended class A amplifiers, transformer-coupled push-pull amplifiers, other pushpull amplifiers, complementary symmetry amplifiers.
IV. Tuned Amplifiers
  • Single tuned amplifiers, coupling of tuned amplifiers, double tuned amplifiers, stagger tuned amplifiers.
V. Feedback Amplifiers
  • General feedback concepts, voltage feedback amplifiers, current feedback amplifiers, effect of feedback on frequency response, series and shunt feedback amplifiers, effect of feedback on non-linear distortion and noise.
VI. Transistor Amplifier at High Frequency
  • Design and analysis of high frequency amplifiers using S-plane technique.
VII. Multi-Stage Transistor Amplifier
  • The multi-stage amplifier at mid-frequencies, approximation for low and high frequencies.
VIII. Operational Amplifiers
  • Basics, mathematical operations, practical considerations, differentiators and integrators, single supply biasing and norton amplifiers, analysis of op-amp action, op-amp specifications: interpreting op-amp data sheet, offset voltage and current, temperature rating, output swing, CMRR, slew rate.
  • Precision rectifiers, peak detectors, comparators, clampers, sample and hold circuit, digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters.
IX. Oscillators
  • Hartley oscillators, colpitt oscillators, RC phase shift oscillators, wein-bridge oscillators, crystal oscillators based on BJT and FET.

Lab Outline

Transistor curve tracer, AC voltage dividers, characterization and design of emitter and source followers, characterization and design of AC variable-gain amplifier, design of test circuits for BJTs and FETs, design of FET ring oscillators, design and characterization of emitter-coupled transistor pairs, tuned amplifier and oscillator, design of oscillators, integraterd timers. Recommended Books
  1. Basic Electronics: Devices, Circuits, and Systems - Michael M. Cirovic (2nd ISBN-10: 0835903702 or ISBN-13: 978-0835903707)
  2. Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design - William H. Hayt, Gerold W. Neudeck (2nd Edition ISBN-10: 0471125016 or ISBN-13: 978-0471125013)
  3. Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices and Applications - Thomas L. Floyd, David M. Buchla (8th Edition, ISBN-10: 0135072956 or ISBN-13: 978-0135072950)
  4. Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits - Thomas L. Floyd, David M. Buchla(2nd Edition,ISBN-10: 0130829870 or ISBN-13: 978-0130829870)
  5. Microelectronic Circuit Design - Richard Jaeger, Travis Blalock(4th Edition,ISBN-10: 0073380458 or ISBN-13: 978-0073380452)
Supplementary Texts & References
  1. Electronic Principles: Physics, Models and Circuits - Paul E. Gray, Campbell L. Searle (1st ISBN-10: 0471323985 or ISBN-13: 978-0471323983)
  2. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits: Electron Flow Version - Robert T. Paynter (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131716395 or ISBN-13: 978-0131716391)
  3. Operational Amplifiers - George Clayton, Steve Winder (4th Edition,ISBN-10: 0750646438 or ISBN-13: 978-0750646437)
  4. Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version) - Thomas L. Floyd (9th Edition,ISBN-10: 0132549867 or ISBN-13: 978-0132549868)
  5. Microelectronic Circuits - Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith (7th Edition,ISBN-10: 0199339139 or ISBN-13: 978-0199339136)
  6. Burr-Brown IC Data Book - 1994 - Data Conversion Products - Burr-Brown Corp (1st Edition)
IN202 Engineering Management 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Management Sciences
Course Code   |   IN202
Semester   |   3rd
Effective   |   13TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the basic principles and fundamentals of managing technical organizations.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Identify and apply appropriate management techniques for managing contemporary organizations.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Compare the skills, abilities, and tools needed to obtain a job on a management track in an organization of their choice.


I. Overview of Engineering Management

Introduction to engineering management, management and its characteristics.


Electric current, electric charge, coulomb’s law, electric field intensity and electric potential, capacitors and charge storage concepts.

II. Project Management

Defining project management, its objectives and basic functions, project identification, project life cycle and project stakeholders, managerial levels, roles and skills, effective goal setting, management by objectives.

III. Introduction to Planning and Scheduling

Types and tools for planning, WBS, examples and class exercise, activity on node (AON), critical path method (CPM), examples and class exercise, introduction to precedence diagram method (PDM), PDM relationships (SS, FS, FF, SF), examples and class exercise, crashing network techniques, program evaluation and review techniques (PERT), examples and class exercise.

IV. Introduction to Engineering Economics

Time value of money, simple and compound interest, cash flow diagrams, discounting, depreciation and break even analysis, methods of economic comparisons for project selection, comparisons of assets and internal rate of return benefit/cost analysis and cost effectiveness analysis

V. Introduction to the Management of Human Resource and its Foundation

Evolution of management thought in changing environment, management ethical and social responsibilities, risk management, strategic human resources planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training and development, career development, motivation, leadership, reward and compensation, discipline and counseling, benefits, health, communication programs, labour relations, collective bargaining.

Recommended Books
  1. Human Resource Management - Leon C. Megginson, Geralyn McClure Franklin, M. Jane Byrd (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 087393377X or ISBN-13: 978-0873933773)
  2. Principles of Engineering Economy - Eugene L. Grant, W. Grant Ireson, Richard S. Leavenworth (8th Edition, ISBN-10: 047163526X or ISBN-13: 978-0471635260)
ES215 Digital Logic Design 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Engineering Foundation
Course Code   |   ES215
Semester   |   3rd
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the elements of digital system abstractions such as digital representations of information, digital logic, boolean algebra, state elements and finite state machine (FSMs).
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Illustrate simple digital systems based on these digital abstractions, using the digital paradigm including discrete sampled information.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design logic in team, successfully implement and report on a digital systems project.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 4): Setup the tools of the trade: basic instruments, devices and design tools.


I. Number Systems

Review of number systems, binary numbers, hexadecimal numbers, octal numbers, decimal to binary and binary to decimal number conversion, hexadecimal to binary and binary to hexadecimal conversion, binary coded decimal numbers, grey code, binary to grey and grey to binary number conversion, parity in codes.

II. Boolean Algebra and Boolean Operations

Review of digital electronics, logic, events and binary variables, introduction to fundamental boolean operations, NOT, OR, AND operation and truth tables, other boolean operations as XOR, NOR, NAND, XNOR, truth tables, boolean algebra, boolean expressions, boolean rules, demorgan’s theorems, two’s complement of a binary number.

III. Logic Gates

Introduction to digital logic gates, symbols of logic gates, positive logic, negative logic, implementing simple Boolean expressions with logic gates, concept of universal gate, NAND gate as a universal gate, NOR gate as a universal gate.

IV. Expression Simplification

Reducing an expression using boolean rules, introduction to Karnaugh map, reducing an expression using Karnaugh-map, implementing logic circuits using universal gate, deriving SOP and POS expressions directly from K-map, few examples with K-map, hazzard free design.

V. Combinational Logic Circuits

Few examples of combinational logic circuits including half adder, full adder, parallel adder, parallel adder subtractor, deriving sum-of-products (SOP) and product-of-sums (POS) expressions from a truth table, logic comparators, encoders, decoders, multiplexers, de-multiplexers

VI. Introduction to Sequential Circuits

Flip-flop (RS, JK, D, T, Master-Slave), registers, shift registers, counters

VII. Introduction to Sequential Machines

Classification of sequential machines, concept of pulse and level digital signal, understanding word statement and its key words, state diagram, state table, flow table.

VIII. Transition Tables

Assigning states to the state table of a pulse input machine, assigning states to the state table of a level input synchronous machine, assigning states to a level input asynchronous machine, races in an asynchronous level machine, introducing cycles to eliminate races, obtaining transition table for pulse input machine, synchronous level input machine.

Lab Outline

Basic logic gates; simulation and hardware implementation of combinational circuits such as MUX/DeMUX, encoder/decoder; simulation and hardware implementation of sequential circuits such as flip-flops, registers, shift registers, counters; project solving a real-life problem.

Recommended Books
  1. Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications - Roger L. Tokheim (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0073126349 or ISBN-13: 978-0073126340)
  2. PDigital Fundamentals - Thomas L. Floyd (11th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132737965 or ISBN-13: 978-0132737968)
  3. Digital Systems: Principles and Applications - Ronald J. Tocci, Neal Widmer, Greg Moss (11th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131989243 or ISBN-10: 0135103827 or ISBN-13: 978-0135103821)
  4. Digital Design - M. Morris R. Mano, Michael D. Ciletti (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131989243 or ISBN-13: 978-0131989245)
  5. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals - M. Morris R. Mano, Charles R. Kime, Tom Martin (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0133760634 or ISBN-13: 978-0133760637)
Supplementary Texts & References
  1. Digital Integrated Electronics - Herbert Taub, Donald L. Schilling (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0070857881 or ISBN-13: 978-0070857889)
  2. Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach - William Kleitz (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0130896292 or ISBN-13: 978-0130896292)
  3. Analog and Digital Circuit Design - Shahzad Mahmood (1st Edition)
  4. Switching Circuits for Engineers (Electrical Engineering) - Mitchell P. Marcus (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0138799083 or ISBN-13: 978-0138799083)
MTH212 Differential Equations and Fourier Series 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Natural Science (Math)
Course Code   |   MTH212
Semester   |   3rd
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Determine the formation and the solution methods of first order linear and non-linear differential equation.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2: Compute higher order linear and partial differential equations.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Apply fourier series of various functions.


I. First Order Linear and Non-Linear Differential Equations

Introduction, formation and solution of first order, first degree differential equations.

II. Higher Order Linear Differential Equations

Homogeneous linear equations of order n with constants coefficients, solutions of higher order differential equations according to the roots of auxiliary equation, non-homogeneous linear equations, cauchy euler equation, method of variations of parameters, applications of higher order linear differential equations.

III. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

Solution of laplace equation, wave equation and equation by variable separable method, heat equation (simple case)

IV. Fourier series

Fourier coefficients, convergence of fourier series, fourier series of odd and even functions.

Recommended Books
  1. Introductory Course in Differential Equations for Students in Classical and Engineering Colleges - Daniel Alexander Murray (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1418181536 or ISBN-13: 978-1418181536)
  2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - H. K. Dass (20th Edition, ISBN-10: 8121903459 or ISBN-13: 978-8121903455)
  3. Higher Engineering Mathematics - B. S. Grewal (40th Edition,ISBN-10: 8174091157 or ISBN-13: 978-8174091154)
  4. Mathematical Methods - S. M. Yousuf, Abdul Majeed, Muhammad Amin (2nd Edition)
  5. Ordinary Differential Equations with Numerical Techniques - John L. Van Iwaarden (1st Edition,ISBN-10: 0155675508 or ISBN-13: 978-0155675506)
  6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyszig (8th Edition,ISBN-10: 0471154962 or ISBN-13: 978-0471154969)
ENG201 Communication Skills 2 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Functional English
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanities (English)
Course Code   |   ENG201
Semester   |   3rd
Effective   |   13TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Draft varied texts including formal letters, CV, cover letter for jobs, and technical reports using mechanisms of academic writing integrated with paraphrasing and summarizing techniques.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Interpret and infer the texts critically and apply the knowledge in real life situations by participating in public speaking acts and group discussions.


I. Introduction to communication skills

Communication principles, the process of communication, importance of good communication skills in business environment, communication in business organizations (internal-operational, externaloperational,personal, challenge of communication in the global market).

II. Study skills

Brain storming, time-management, effective reading strategies, note-taking, organization, summarizing.

III. Components of communication

Context, sender-encoder, message, medium, receiver-decoder, feedback.

IV. Non-verbal communication

Appearance and dress codes, body language-silence-time-space, importance of listening in communication

V. Functional english

Defining factors in everyday communication (in business organization, in social exchanges), roleplay/speaking activities.

VI. Public speaking

Difference between speaking and writing, reading texts of good public speeches and analysis of their components, listening to famous public speeches, exercises in public speaking

VII. Formal presentations

Difference between informal and formal presentations, modes of formal presentations (extemporaneous,prepared, reading out from a written text, combination of the above mentioned), purpose of oral presentations (entertain, persuade, inform, sell), mechanics of presentations (organization, preparation including avas, rehearse, present), teacher shall model presentations both, with and without avas.

VIII. Correctness of written communication

Punctuation, grammar: some basic principles, error correcting exercises.

IX. Written communication

Systematic approach to effective written communication (language, style, tone, organization), practice of written communication for a variety of situations.

Recommended Books
  1. Effective Business Communications - Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt, Jane P. Thomas (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 007044398X or ISBN-13: 978-0070443983)
  2. Ultimate Cover Letters - Martin John Yate (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0749464054 or ISBN-13: 978-0749464059)
  3. The Ultimate Job Search Letters Book: Write a Perfect Letter and Get That Job - Martin John Yate (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0749440694 or ISBN-13: 978-0749440695)
  4. Career Roadmap Guide for Engineers (A One Stop Solution for All Engineering Professionals) - Junaid Shaikh (1st ISBN-13: 978-9699526008)
TL290 Occupational Health & Safety 3 Credit Hours

4th Semester Courses

ES256 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Digital Logic Design
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Breadth)
Course Code   |   ES256
Semester   |   4th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Write assembly programs containing arithmetic, logic, loop, and program control instructions.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design decoding circuitry for interfacing memory and basic I/O devices with microprocessor.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Write programs to use microcontroller peripherals.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design a small microcontroller based system prototype.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Perform experiments in laboratory using development kits.
CLO6 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 5): Build lab projects in a team.


I. Introduction to microprocessors, instruction set architecture (ISA), assembly language programming, hardware model, read/write cycles, exception/interrupt processing, memory systems, I/O devices,DMA, interfacing to memory and I/O devices, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters

II. Introduction to microcontrollers, application, basic core architecture, pin configuration, microcontroller instruction set and programming, handling of timers, counter, ADC, interrupts, introduction to PIC microcontrollers

III. Introduction to communication protocols, serial communication (RS-232 protocol, SPI, I2C), interfacing of devices including ADC 0804 and ADC 0808, DAC, LCD

Lab Outline

Study of microprocessor ISA using its training boards, implementation of interfacing techniques (using gates, decoders, and SPLDs) to memory system and different I/O devices, learning and implementation of interrupt driven I/O, learning and implementation of simple microcontroller based circuits and semester mini projects (interfacing of sensors, LCD, keypad, stepper motor).

Recommended Books
  1. The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4 and Core2 with 64 bit Extensions - Barry B. Brey (8th Edition, ISBN-10: 8131795411 or ISBN-13: 978-8131795415)
  2. Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware - Douglas V. Hall (2th Edition, ISBN-10: 0070257426 or ISBN-13: 978-0070257429)
  3. PIC Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software and Hardware Interfacing - Han-Way Huang, Leo Chartrand (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1401839673 or ISBN-13: 978-1401839673)
  4. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Microprocessor Fundamentals - Roger L. Tokheim (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0070649995 or ISBN-13: 978-0070649996)
  5. Microprocessors: Principles and Applications - Charles M. Gilmore (2th Edition, ISBN-10: 0028018370 or ISBN-13: 978-0028018379)
Supplementary Texts & References
  1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems - Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice G. Mazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 013119402X or ISBN-13: 978-0131194021)
  2. AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using Assembly and C - Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, Sepehr Naimi (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0138003319 or ISBN-13: 978-0138003319)
  3. Embedded Systems: Introduction to Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers - Jonathan W. Valvano (5th Edition ISBN-10: 1477508996 or ISBN-13: 978-1477508992)
  4. Embedded Systems: Real-Time Interfacing to Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers - Jonathan W. Valvano (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 1463590156 or ISBN-13: 978-1463590154)
TL285 Telecom Policies & Standards 3 Credit Hours
ENT221 Entrepreneurship 3 Credit Hours
ENG215 Technical Report Writing Skills 3 Credit Hours
MTH213 Complex Variables and Transforms 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Differential Equations and Fourier Series
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Natural Science (Math)
Course Code   |   MTH213
Semester   |   4th
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Compute complex number and complex variables, complex differentiation and integration.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Apply transformations, laplace and fourier to their geometrical and physical applications.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Analyse fourier transforms for the solution of the differential equations.


I. Complex Numbers System and Complex Variable Theory
  • Introduction to complex number systems, De moiver’s theorem and its applications, complex functions, cauchy-riemann equations (in cartesian and polar coordinates), complex integration, singularities, poles, residues and contour integration and applications.
II. Laplace Transform
  • Laplace and inverse laplace transform of elementary functions and their properties, applications of laplace transformation in various fields of engineering.
III. Fourier Transform
  • Fourier transform and inverse fourier transforms, solution of differential equations using fourier transform.
Recommended Books
  1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - H. K. Dass (20th Edition,ISBN-10: 8121903459 or ISBN-13: 978-8121903455)
  2. Higher Engineering Mathematics - B. S. Grewal (40th Edition,ISBN-10: 8174091157 or ISBN-13: 978-8174091154)
  3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyszig (8th Edition, ISBN-10: 0471154962 or ISBN-13: 978-0471154969)
  4. Schaum’s Outlines: Laplace Transforms - Murray R. Spiegel (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 007060231X or ISBN-13: 978-0070602311)
  5. Schaum’s Outlines: Complex Variables - Murray R. Spiegel (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0070602301 or ISBN-13: 978-0070602304)
SS221 Professional Ethics 2 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanitites (Culture)
Course Code   |   SS221
Semester   |   4th
Effective   |   13TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Define professional ethics, evolution of ethics, social responsibility from several dimensions as well as describe the major ethical perspectives.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply ethical decision-making framework and understand how organization influences ethical decision-making.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design an effective ethics program.


I. An Overview of Professional Ethics
  • Professional ethics defined, social responsibility and business ethics, development of business/professional ethics, framework for studying business ethics.
II. Ethical Issues in Business
  • Foundation of ethical conflict, classifications of ethical issues, ethical issues related to participants and functional areas of business, recognizing an ethical issue.
III. Social Responsibility
  • Economic dimension, legal dimension, ethical dimension and philanthropic dimension.
IV. Ethical Decision-Making Framework
  • Ethical issue intensity, individual factors, stages of cognitive moral development, corporate culture, significant others, opportunity, business ethics evaluations and intensions, using the ethical decision-making framework to improve ethical decisions.
V. How the Organization Influences Ethical Decision-Making
  • Organizational structure and business ethics, role of corporate culture in ethical decision-making, group dimension of organization structure and culture, implications of organizational relationship for ethical decisions.
VI. Development of an Effective Ethics Program
  • An effective ethical compliance, program and codes of ethics and compliance standards, manager’s responsibility, delegation of authority, effective communication of ethical standards, establishing system to monitor, audit and enforce ethical standards.
Recommended Books
  1. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases - O. C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell (9th Edition, ISBN-10: 1111825165 or ISBN-13: 978-1111825164 )

5th Semester Courses

TL323 Communication Systems 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Signals and Systems
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Engineering Foundation
Course Code   |   TL323
Semester   |   5th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Define the fundamentals of communication systems and demonstrates description of signals.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Illustrate modulation techniques both in time domain and frequency domain.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Ability to solve problems related to auto correlation, power spectral density.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Carry out experiments using MATLAB and communication trainers.


I. Introduction to Electronic Communication System
  • Block diagram of a communication system, types of communication systems, modes of communication (simplex, half duplex, full duplex), transmission mediums, bandwidth, data rate, throughput, signals, baseband and passband signals, noise, attenuation, distortion, noise sources, signal-to noise ratio (SNR), noise factor and noise figure.
II. Analogue Modulation Techniques
  • Modulation, information and carrier signals, need of modulation, amplitude modulation and demodulation, AM equation, modulation index, power and spectrum of AM, single sideband (SSB), double sideband (DSB), vestigal sideband (VSB), AM bandwidth, AM circuit
  • - Angle (Exponential) Modulation Techniques: frequency modulation and demodulation, FM equation, modulation index, sidebands, spectra and bandwidth of FM, FM circuit, narrowband and wideband FM, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuits, direct and indirect FM, noise immunity and capture effect in FM, phase modulation and demodulation, PM equation, modulation index, PM circuit
III. Pulse Modulation Techniques
  • Analog-to-digital conversion, pulse code modulation (sampling using nyquist theorem, uniform and non-uniform quantization, encoding), pulse code modulation companding (A-law/μ-law), PCM bandwidth, differential PCM, delta modulation
  • - Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), pulse-width modulation (PWM), pulse-position modulation (PPM)
IV. Information Theory
  • Information content of a message, entropy and entropy rate, channel capacity, impact of SNR on the capacity of a channel, hartley-shanon theorem, huffmann coding.
V. Line Coding Techniques
  • Signal element, data element, data rate, signal rate (baud rate), relationship between signal rate and bandwidth
  • Baseline wandering, DC components, self-synchronization
  • Unipolar (NRZ), polar (manchester and differential manchester), bipolar (AMI and CMI)
VI. Scrambling Techniques
  • Bipolar with 8-zero substitution (B8ZS), high-density bipolar 3-zero (HDB3)
VII. Error Detection Techniques
  • Vertical and horizontal redundancy checking, cyclic redundancy checking (CRC)
VIII. Multiplexing and Multiple Access Techniques
  • Multiplexing principles, multiplexer (MUX), demultiplexer (DEMUX), concept of link and channel, Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM), FDM block diagram, and related Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM)
  • Time-division multiplexing (TDM), synchronous TDM, statistical TDM
  • Difference between multiplexing and duplexing
  • Multiple Access Techniques: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA

Lab Outline

The concepts are verified practically through design of models for communication system
  • Differentiating analog and digital communication systems
  • Analog modulation techniques
  • - Amplitude modulation using LD trainer, double sideband suppressed carrier, single sideband residualcarrier, single sideband suppressed carrier, amplitude demodulation
  • Frequency modulation and demodulation
  • Phase modulation and demodulation
  • Pulse modulation using EV trainer
  • Pulse code modulation (PCM), differential PCM, and delta modulation
Recommended Books
  1. Principles of Electronic Communication Systems - Louis E. Frenzel Jr. (4th ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337385-0)
  2. Electronic Communications System: Fundamentals Through Advanced - Wayne Tomasi (5th Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-13-049492-4)
  3. Telecommunications - Warren Hioki (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 013020031X or ISBN-13: 978-0130200310)
  4. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems - B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0195331451 or ISBN-13: 978-0195331455)
  5. Digital Communications - Ian A. Glover, Peter M. Grant (3rd Edition,ISBN-10: 0273718304 or ISBN-13: 978-0273718307)
  6. Communication Systems - Simon Haykin, Michael Moher (5th Edition,ISBN-10: 8126521511 or ISBN-13: 978-8126521517)
Supplementary Texts & References
  1. Electromagnetics for Engineers - Fawwaz T. Ulaby (1st ISBN-10: 0131497243 or ISBN-13: 978-0131497245)
  2. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems - Edward Conrad Jordan, Keith George Balmain (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 8120300548 or ISBN-13: 978-8120300545)
  3. Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications - Richard E. Dubroff, S. V. Marshall, G. G. Skitek (4th Edition,ISBN-10: 0133011518 or ISBN-13: 978-0133011517)
TL304 Antennas and Wave Propagation 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Electromagnetics
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Breadth)
Course Code   |   TL304
Semester   |   5th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyse the functions, fundamental parameters of antenna, its types and arrays.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Identify the atmospheric and terrestrial effects on radio wave propagation.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Prepare experiments and measurements on components and devices including waveguides, antennas, micro strip structures using vector network analyzers and electromagnetic simulation tools (MATLAB, ADS, CST and HFSS).


I. Review

    Maxwell’s equations for free space and conducting medium, influence of medium on the field, electromagnetic waves and general wave equation, the speed of light, polarization.

II. Antennas

    Overview of transmission line parameters related to antenna design and performance (reflection mechanisms, VSWR, transmission and return losses), antenna fundamentals: (types of antennas, radiation mechanism)

    Overview of plane and solid angles, near-field, far-field regions, polarization, radiation pattern, performance oriented antenna parameters (radiated power, directivity, gain, efficiency, radiation resistance and input impedance), dipole, monopole antennas, loop antennas, traveling wave antennas (long wire, V and rhombic antennas), broadband antennas, helical, yagi-uda, log-periodic antennas, aperture antennas-horn and dish reflector antennas, microstrip antennas, rectangular, circular microstrip patch antennas,

    Properties of receiving antennas: reciprocity, effective antenna area and radar cross section.

    Antenna arrays: expression for electric field from two and three element arrays, uniform linear array, method of pattern multiplication, binomial array, use of method of images for antennas above ground.

III. Wave Propagation

    Radio/plane-wave propagation: review of waves and phasors, time-harmonic fields, plane-wave propagation in lossless/conducting/free-space media, wave polarization, effects of ground and atmosphere on propagation, basic propagation modes, free space, ground reflection and diffraction, ground wave propagation, sky wave propagation, atmospheric effects on radio wave propagation, space (terrestrial) wave propagation.

Lab Outline

Introduction about the antenna characteristics: basic antenna parameters, patterns, beam area, radiation intensity, beam efficiency, diversity and gain, antenna apertures, effective height, bandwidth, radiation, efficiency, antenna temperature and antenna filed zones.

Antenna modeling and analysis: conical horn antenna, slot coupled patch antenna, dipole antenna,helical antenna, yagi-uda array, log periodic antenna, antenna for special applications – sleeve antenna, turnstile antenna, omni directional antennas, substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) antenna, satellite antennas for ground penetrating RADAR’s, embedded antennas, ultra-wide band antennas, liquid metal alloy based antenna, plasma antenna.

Antenna measurements: scattering parameters, VSWR, return loss, insertion loss, radiation pattern measurement, gain and directivity measurements, anechoic chamber measurement.

Simulation of Maxwell equations: wave equation for lossy and lossless media.

Antenna modeling and analysis using HFSS/MATLAB.

Recommended Books
  1. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design - Constantine A. Balanis (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 8126524227 or ISBN-13: 978-8126524228)
  2. Essentials of Radio Wave Propagation - Christopher Haslett (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 052187565X or ISBN-13: 978-0521875653)
  3. The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel - John David Parsons (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 047198857X or ISBN-13: 978-0471988571)
  4. Antenna Theory and Design - Warren L. Stutzman, Gary A. Thiele (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0470576642 or ISBN-13: 978-0470576649)
  5. Antennas and Radiowave Propagation - Robert E. Collin (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0070118086 or ISBN-13: 978-0070118089)
  6. Antennas - John D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 007123201X or ISBN-13: 978-0071232012)
TL354 Probability and Stochastic Processes 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Electromagnetics
Co-requisite   |   Communication Systems
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Breadth)
Course Code   |   TL354
Semester   |   5th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Compute mean and variance of different probability distribution.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Estimate the probability of continuous and discrete events.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze the discrete and continuous random variables to develop their probability distributions.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Use central limit theorem to determine the behavior of mean values of various distributions.


I. Introduction
  • Introduction to probability, axiomatic approach, distribution function and density function of random variables, examples of distribution and density functions, conditional and joint distribution, functions of random variables, central-limit theorem, expected value, moments, variance, mean, auto correlation, auto covariance.
II. Random Processes
  • Stationary process, wide sense stationary process, transformation of stochastic processes, correlation and power spectral density (PSD) of a linear system.
III. Noise in LTI Systems
  • Thermal noise, band-limited processes, introduction to linear mean square estimation (LMSE) and filtering problems.
IV. Random signal and noise through a linear system
  • Noise representation, signal to noise ratio for F.M., A.M., P.M. and digital modulation schemes, shot noise, white noise, noise figure and noise temperature.
Recommended Books
  1. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers - Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 1118539710 or ISBN-13: 978-1118539712)
  2. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists - Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying E. Ye (9th Edition, ISBN-10: 9332519080 or ISBN-13: 978-9332519084)
  3. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes - Athanasios Papoulis, S. Unnikrishna Pillai (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0071226613 or ISBN-13: 978-0071226615)
  4. Probability and Random Processes - W. Davenport (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0070154406 or ISBN-13: 978-0070154407)
  5. Information Transmission, Modulation and Noise - M. Schwartz (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0071009310 or ISBN-13: 978-0071009317)
  6. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems - B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding(4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0195331451 or ISBN-13: 978-0195331455)
  7. Digital and Analog Communication Systems - Leon W. Couch(8th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132915383 or ISBN-13: 978-0132915380)
MTH336 Numerical Analysis and Computer Applications 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Object Oriented Programming
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Natural Science (Math)
Course Code   |   MTH336
Semester   |   5th
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Locate the root of a non-linear equations f(x) = 0, and determine iterative methods for the solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Estimate interpolation, extrapolation, and determine numerical differentiation and integration.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Compute numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.


I. Error Analysis
  • Introduction, floating points, errors, types of errors.
II. Solution of Non-Linear Equation
  • Bisection method, regula-falsi method, newton-raphson method, fixed-point iterative method.
III. Solution of Linear Algebraic Equation
  • Iterative methods: jaccobi’s method, guass-seidal method.
IV. Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
  • Power method
V. Interpolation and Extrapolation
  • Differences: forward, backward, central, operators and their relations, newton’s forward interpolation formula, newton’s backward interpolation formula, newton’s divided difference formula, lagrange’s interpolation formula, stirling’s formula.
VI. Numerical Differentiation
  • Newton’s forward and backward differentiation formulae.
VII. Numerical Quadrature
  • Trapezoidal rule, simpson’s one-third (1/3) rule, simpson’s three-eighth (3/8) rule, weddle’s rule, gaussian quadrature.
VIII. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Taylor series method, Euler’s and its modified methods, runge-kutta (RK) method, predictor corrector methods, miline’s method, adam-bashforth method.
  • Recommended Books
    1. Numerical Methods for Engineers - Steven Chapra, Raymond Canale (7th Edition,ISBN-10: 007339792X or ISBN-13: 978-0073397924)
    2. Applied Numerical Analysis - Curtis F. Gerald, Patrick O. Wheatley (7th Edition,ISBN-10: 0321133048 or ISBN-13: 978-0321133045)
    3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - Erwin Kreyszig (10th Edition, ISBN-10: 0470458364 or ISBN-13: 978-0470458365)
    4. Ordinary Differential Equations with Numerical Techniques - John L. Van Iwaarden (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0155675508 or ISBN-13: 978-0155675506)
    5. A First Course in Numerical Analysis with C++ - Saeed Akhter Bhatti, Naeem Akhter Bhatti (5th Edition)
TL345 Digital Signal Processing 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Signals and Systems
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Engineering Foundation
Course Code   |   TL345
Semester   |   5th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Explain a given problem to identify 1D, 2D and 3D symmetries with their respective coordinate systems.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze discrete time signals and systems using transform domain techniques.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3 and 4): Analyze and design digital filters.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Perform signal processing and filtering experiments in digital domain using MATLAB and/or TMS320C6713 DSP-Kit.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 3): Undertake laboratory projects to implement signal processing techniques.


I. Introduction
  • Review of discrete-time signals and systems along with their representation, analogue-to-digital conversion, uniform sampling theorem, quantisation and its effects, coding of quantized samples, quantisation noise to signal ratio, digital-to-analog conversion, analysis of digital signals and systems versus discrete-time signals and systems.
II. Time-Domain DSP
  • Characterization of a discrete-time system using difference equation and pulse transfer function, signal energy and signal power of a DT signal, convolution sum and its use in DT systems, correlation, and normalized correlation, the concept of self-similarity and autocorrelation, using autocorrelation for timing recovery.
III. Fourier Transform
  • Discrete-Time fourier transform, periodicity of DTFT and the proof of nyquist theorem, discrete fourier transform (DFT), properties of DFT, introduction to fast fourier transform (radix-2, decimation in time, decimation in frequency), magnitude and phase response using DFT.
IV. Z Transform
  • Z-transform for the analyses of discrete-time systems, inverse Z-transform, solution of difference equations using Z-transforms, obtaining the pulse transfer function from the difference equation, pole-zero maps in the Z-domain, stability of discrete-time systems
V. Digital Filters
  • Concepts of FIR and IIR digital systems, design of digital filters using discrete-time fourier transform.
  • - window method, introduction to window functions, comparison of the properties of the window functions.
VI. Spectrum Estimation
  • Stationary and non-stationary signals, estimating energy density spectrum of non-stationary signals using window functions, advantages and disadvantages of the window functions in terms of spectral resolution and leakage, periodogram or power density spectrum.
  • VII. Multi-rate Digital Signal Processing
    • Advantages for multi-rate digital signal processing, decimation, interpolation, sampling rate conversion by a rational factor, applications for multi-rate signal processing in telecommunication engineering.

    Lab Outline

    Laboratory experiments are designed to train the students to perform signal processing concepts and digital filters designing using Matlab and DSP trainer kit.
    • MATLAB: sampling and quantisation of signals, implementation and interpretation of convolution, correlation algorithms, frequency-domain analyses of discrete-time signals and systems, discrete fourier transform (DFT), design of FIR filters using window method, power spectrum estimation of signals, introduction to multirate signal processing.
    • TI DSP 320TMSC6713: introduction to TI 320TMSC6713 DSP starter kit and code composer studio,implementation of mathematical equations on the DSK, import/export of data to/from DSK, digital direct synthesis.
    Recommended Books
    1. Discrete-Time Signal Processing - Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer (3rd ISBN-10: 0131988425 or ISBN-13: 978-0131988422)
    2. Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach - Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barrie Jervis (2nd Edition ISBN-10: 0201596199 or ISBN-13: 978-0201596199)
    3. Digital Signal Processing - John G. Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131873741 or ISBN-13: 978-0131873742)
    4. Understanding Digital Signal Processing - Richard G. Lyons(3rd Edition,ISBN-10: 0137027419 or ISBN-13: 978-0137027415)

6th Semester Courses

TL371 Digital Communication 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Communication Systems, Probability and Stochastic Processes
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Breadth)
Course Code   |   TL371
Semester   |   6th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Ability to solve fundamental problems of digital signals. .
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze binary signals in signal space
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analysis of baseband signals.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Carry out experiments using MATLAB and communication trainers


I. Introduction

- Review of basic concepts such as Hartley’s and Shannon’s law, signal transmission through linear systems, bandwidth of digital data, binary symmetric channels, binary channels, binary eraser channel, memoryless channels, detection of binary signals in white gaussian noise, maximum likely hood receiver structure, matched filter, inter-symbol interference (ISI), equalization .

II. Digital Modulation Techniques:

Introduction of binary modulation schemes (FSK, PSK and ASK), FSK transmitter and receiver, bandwidth considerations of FSK, Minimum shift-keying FSK (MSK), binary phase shift keying (BPSK), BPSK transmitter and receiver, bandwidth considerations of BPSK, performance (bandwidth and power) of binary modulation schemes in AWGN channels, differential BPSK, constellation diagrams, eye diagrams

M-ary modulation techniques (M-ary PSK, Ma-ary FSK and M-ary ASK) and their performance evaluations in AWGN channels

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 8/16-QAM transmitter and receiver, bandwidth considerations of 8/16-QAM

Bandwidth efficient modulation schemes (QPSK and its variants, GMSK etc.)

Clock recovery, performance comparison of modulation schemes in band-limited channels, probability of error and bit error rate

III. Coding Techniques

Introduction to source coding and channel coding, error control coding techniques, forward error correction coding (hamming code), linear codes, block codes, cyclic codes, convolutional codes and turbo codes, performance of these codes in AWGN channels.

Lab Outline

Following the theoretical guidelines, perform practical sessions for various modulation schemes on trainers and software. A design example to carry out performance comparisons of various modulation schemes based on error rate calculation and/or PSD plots. Demonstration of coding schemes using software tools.

Recommended Books
  1. Digital Communications - John Proakis, Masoud Salehi (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0072957166 or ISBN-13: 978-0072957167)
  2. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications - Bernard Sklar(2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0130847887 or ISBN-13: 978-0130847881)
  3. Digital Communication Techniques: Signal Design and Detection - Marvin K. Simon, Sami M. Hinedi, William C. Lindsey (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0132006103 or ISBN-13: 978-0132006101)
  4. Digital and Analog Communication Systems - Leon W. Couch (8th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132915383 or ISBN-13: 978-0132915380)
  5. Digital Communication Systems - Simon Haykin (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0471647357 or ISBN-13: 978-0471647355)
TL391 Optoelectronics 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Basic Electronics, Amplifiers and Oscillators
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL362
Semester   |   6th
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   2+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Discuss fundamental physical and technical knowledge about the fundamentals of optical communication and transition processes. Also apply the knowledge about the basics of of quantum levels in atoms and solids necessary to understand recombination processes.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze the procedures and results related to optical devices such as spectral and output characteristics of optical sources and photo-detectors.
CLO3 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Perform experiments and measurements on real components, and devices of optoelectronic systems.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 3): Design and work in a team to build laboratory project.


I. Light
  • - Historical background, the nature of light, basic laws and properties of light, units of measuring light (radiometric and photometric units).
II. Semiconductor Light Sources
  • - Light sources, emission and absorption of radiation, the einstein relation, light emission in semiconductor, stimulation emission in semiconductors, lasing conditions in semiconductors, population inversion, electrical and optical bandwidth.
  • Laser operation and basic concept, optical feedback, pumping, population inversion, semiconductors laser diodes (SLDs), types of semiconductor laser diodes, spectral and output characteristics, threshold condition, laser losses, laser modes, classes of lasers, single mode operation, stripe geometry, efficiency of lasers, laser rate equations.
IV. Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
  • Types of light emitting diodes (LEDs), LED power and efficiency, spectral characteristics, modulation capabilities
V. Photo Detectors
  • Photo detection in semiconductors, quantum efficiency, responsivity, long wavelength cutoff, semiconductor photodiodes without internal gain, PIN photodiodes, avalanche photodiodes (APDs), photodetector noise considerations, phototransistors.
VI. Optical Transmitters and Receiver
  • Intensity modulation and direct detection modulation (IM/DD), SLD drive circuits, LED drive circuit, optical receivers design, receiver noise.

Lab Outline

  • Basics of optoelectronics, measuring characteristics of optical sources (LED and LASER), measuring characteristics of optical detector (PN, PIN and APD), overview of optical source meter and optical power meter, field optical spectrum analyzer, experiments on optiwave’s OptiSystem software.
Recommended Books
  1. Optoelectronics - Endel Uiga (1st ISBN-10: 0024221708 or ISBN-13: 978-0024221704)
  2. Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice - John Senior (3rd Edition ISBN-10: 013032681X or ISBN-13: 978-0130326812)
  3. Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar Sivarajan, Galen Sasaki (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0123740924 or ISBN-13: 978-0123740922)
TL362 Microwave Engineering 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Electromagnetics, Antennas and Wave Propagation
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL362
Semester   |   6th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the basic concepts about the active and passive microwave systems.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply the smith chart techniques for solving transmission line matching and microwave circuit problems.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze the waveguide propagation characteristics and the electromagnetic behavior of smart antennas and other electronic devices.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 6), Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Estimate the S-matrix to test and design microwave multi-port components.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Prepare experiments and measurements on real components and devices including waveguides, antennas, micro strip structures using vector network analyzers and numerical electromagnetic softwares (MATLAB, ADS, CST and HFSS).


I. Introduction
  • Microwave definition, microwave frequencies, and properties of microwaves.
  • Review of basic electromagnetic concepts, industry and research applications of microwave engineering.
II. Transmission Lines
  • General description of waves on transmission line, E-waves, H-waves, group velocity, phase velocity.
  • Review of standing waves, VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio), reflections in transmission lines.
  • Lumped element model, transmission line equation, impedance /admittance relationship of transmission line, wave propagation in lossy/lossless/special cases of lossless transmission lines, calculation of attenuation constant, phase constant and propagation constant.
III. Microwave Network Analysis
  • Z and Y parameters analysis, ABCD and S representation of microwave networks, transmission lines, discontinuities and S-parameters, smith chart analyzing rules, mathematical construction of smith chart, using smith chart to solve problems related to impedance matching of microwave devices (matching networks problems) and find the transmission line length.
IV. Waveguides and Microwave Passive Components
  • Type of waveguides, cylindrical wave-guide, elliptical wave-guides, modes in waveguide TM, TE, TEM modes of propagation
  • - Rectangular wave-guide, general design equations, problems on rectangular wave guide, propagation characteristic wave-guide
  • Microwave filters, power combiners, power dividers, microwave couplers, isolators and mixers, applications of couplers in microwave devices.
V. Microwave Transmitters/Receivers and Microwave Active Devices
  • Principles and operation of one cavity and two cavity klystrons, multicavity Klystron
  • Microwave Tubes: high frequency limitations of conventional microwave tubes, bunching and velocity modulation, travelling wave tubes, backward wave oscillator, microwave solid state devices, varactor diode, PIN diode, GUNN diode and IMPATT diode
VI. Modern Technologies
  • Introduction to electronic warfare, smart technologies such as smart antennas, advanced reconfigurable and flexible electronic technologies.
  • Planar circuit technologies: microstrip transmission lines and MMIC’s, applications of printed antennas in RADAR and beam forming systems.

Lab Outline

  • - Practical demonstration of wave propagation, measurement of standing wave ratio and frequency in the guided structure, understanding the phenomenon of reflection from matched/unmatched load conditions, using trainer and through simulation using numerical electromagnetic software (Microwave Office, HFSS, CST etc.).
  • - Practical demonstration of antennas (various types), measurement of antenna gain and reflection parameters, calculation of return loss, smith chart evaluations and S-parameter understanding using Vector Network Analyzer.
Recommended Books
  1. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design - Constantine A. Balanis (3rd ISBN-10: 047166782X or ISBN-13: 978-0471667827)
  2. Foundations for Microwave Engineering - Robert E. Collin (2nd Edition ISBN-10: 0070118116 or ISBN-13: 978-0070118119)
  3. Microwave Theory and Applications - Stephen F. Adam (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 013581488X or ISBN-13: 978-0135814888)
  4. Microwave Engineering - David M. Pozar(4th Edition,ISBN-10: 0470631554 or ISBN-13: 978-0470631553)
TL334 Computer Communication and Networking 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Communication Systems
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL334
Semester   |   6th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 1 and 2): Identify and explain the working mechanism of basic components of a computer networks.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the application of layered models to networks as well as processes involved in data encapsulation and decapsulation.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2 and 4): Distinguish and explain the principles, processes, and protocols involved at OSI layer 2, 3, 4, and 7.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 1 and 2): Perform experiments to observe and investigate the behaviour of multi-switched network using simulation software.


I. Overview of Communication System
  • Communication Model, Nodes, Links, Protocol, Network Edge (Client, Server).
  • Network Fundamentals, Types of Networks (LAN, MAN, WAN), Network Topologies (Bus, Star, Tree, Ring, Mesh), Logical versus Physical Topology
  • Network Interface Controller, Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers, Gateway
  • Access Networks, Core Networks, Internet, Intranet
  • Concept of Packet, Packet Forwarding/Switching, Store-and-Forward Transmission
  • Transmission Delay, Propagation Delay, Queueing Delay
II. Physical Media
  • Coaxial (10Base-2, 10Base-5), Coaxial Cable Connectors
  • Ethernet (10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 100Base-T), Twisted-Pair Connectors
  • Fiber Optic (10Base-F, 100Base-FX, 1000Base-LX, 1000Base-SX), Fiber-Optic Connectors
  • Serial (RS-232, RS-422)
III. Architecture and Protocols
  • Layered Models (TCP/IP, OSI), Encapsulation/Decapsulation
IV. Link Layer
  • Services Provided by the Link Layer
  • Error-Detection and -Correction Techniques (Parity Checks, Checksumming Methods)
  • Multiple Access Links and Protocols
    • Channel Partitioning Protocols (FDM, TDM)
    • Random Access Protocols (Slotted ALOHA, Pure ALOHA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA)
    • Taking-Turns Protocols (Polling Protocol, Token-Passing Protocol)
  • Switched Local Area Networks (Collision Domain, ICMP, ARP)
  • Self-learning of Switch Table
  • Properties of Link-Layer Switching
  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
  • Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)
V. Ethernet Framing
  • Frame Formats (Ethernet II versus IEEE 802.3)
  • Media Access Control (MAC) Addressing
  • Frame Forwarding and Filtering (Unicast, Broadcast, Multicast)
  • Frame Processing (Source MAC, Destination MAC, Type Field, Data, FCS)
VI. IP Addressing
  • IP Packet Header
  • IP Addressing (Network Part, Host Part)
  • Network Address, Broadcast Address, IP Address Classes (A,B,C,D,E), Subnet Mask, VLSM
  • IP Addressing Limitations
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
VII. Network Layer
  • Forwarding and Routing
  • Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks
  • IP Routing Table, Routing Decision (Preference, Metric)
  • Static Routing (Application, Behaviour, Limitations)
  • Routing Algorithms (Distance-Vector Routing Algorithm, Link-State Routing Algorithm)
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
VIII. Transport Layer Protocols
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), TCP Ports, TCP Header, TCP Connection Establishment/Termination, Go-Back-N (GBN), Selective Repeat (SR)
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP), UDP Datagram Format, UDP Forwarding Behaviour
  • Principles of Congestion Control, TCP Congestion Control (Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Recovery)
IX. Application Layer Protocols
  • The Web and HTTP, HTTP Message Format, Cookies
  • File Transfer: FTP
  • Overview of How DNS Works

Lab Outline

  1. Cables, Connectors, NIC
  2. Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers, Gateway
  3. Building Basic IP Network
  4. Configuring STP
  5. Configuring Static Routes and Default Routes
  6. Configuring RIPv1 and RIPv2
  7. Configuring OSPF Single Area
  8. Implementing DHCP
Recommended Books
  1. Data and Computer Communications - William Stallings (7th ISBN-10: 0131006819 or ISBN-13: 978-0131006812)
  2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach - James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross (6th Edition ISBN-10: 0132856204 or ISBN-13: 978-0132856201)
  3. Computer Networks - Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132126958 or ISBN-13: 978-0132126953)
  4. Computer Networks and Internets - Douglas E. Comer (6th Edition ISBN-10: 0133587932 or ISBN-13: 978-0133587937)
  5. Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide - Wendell Odom (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1587143852 or ISBN-13: 978-1587143854)
  6. Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching ICND2 200-101 Official Cert Guide - Wendell Odom (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1587143739 or ISBN-13: 978-1587143731)
ENG320 Technical Report Writing Skills 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Functional English
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanitites (Culture)
Course Code   |   ENG320
Semester   |   6th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Analyze and develop the content and structure of various technical and academic research documents such as dissertations, research papers or articles, proceeding papers and research review papers.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Distinguish between formal and informal reports and use different type of reports such as progress reports, research report, recommendation report, evaluation report and feasibility report, internship reports). Besides, format proposals, elements and types of different proposals along with technical manuals and SOPs.


I. Reading
  • Text analysis, critical thinking, skimming, scanning and detailed reading
II. Writing
  • Academic writing/technical report writing drafting letters with different types of messages with different registers and purposes, prepare CV’s and covering letters according to job requirement
III. Listening
  • Listening comprehension formal and informal lectures and presentations, take notes and collect specific information
IV. Speaking
  • Speaking in real life situations, conversational strategies, elements of public speaking: giving lectures and presentation on specific topics, ask questions and explain point of view in discussions (demonstrate turn taking technique)
Recommended Books
  1. Axelrod & Cooper’s Concise Guide to Writing - Rise B. Axelrod, Charles R. Cooper (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0312668902 or ISBN-13: 978-0312668907)
  2. English for Business: A Functional Approach - Joseph Chilver (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1858050634 or ISBN-13: 978-1858050638)
  3. Frontline Pakistan: The Struggle with Militant Islam - Zahid Hussain (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0067008127 or ISBN-13: 978-0067008126)
  4. Writing: Advanced - Ron White (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0194534073 or ISBN-13: 978-0194534079)
  5. College Writing Skills with Readings - John Langan(9th Edition, ISBN-10: 0078036275 or ISBN-13: 978-0078036279)
  6. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide - Laurie G. Kirszner, Stephen R. Mandell (13th Edition,ISBN-10: 1457666529 or ISBN-13: 978-1457666520)
  7. Mercury Reader - A Custom Publication - Janice Neuleib, Kathleen Shine Cain, Stephen Ruffus (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1256182192 or ISBN-13: 978-1256182191)
  8. Effective Business Communications - Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt, Jane P. Thomas (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 007044398X or ISBN-13: 978-0070443983)
  9. Ultimate Cover Letters - Martin John Yate (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0749464054 or ISBN-13: 978-0749464059)

7th Semester Courses

TL474 Fiber Optic Communication Systems 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Optoelectronics
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth
Course Code   |   TL474
Semester   |   7th
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3 + 1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45 + 45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work,60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the properties of optical fiber, propagation characteristics and transmission properties.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply the knowledge to design optical fiber links and demonstrate limitations in the performance to the limitations of the components and subsystems used.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze the optical networks and calculate their bit error rates and other parameters.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Prepare experiments and measurements on real components, and devices of optical communication links and systems.


I. Introduction
  • History of optical communication, elements of optical fiber communication (OFC) transmission link, evolution of fiber optic system, advantages of OFC system.
II. Optical Fiber Wave Guides
  • Optical fiber waveguide, Ray theory transmission, electromagnetic mode theory for optical propagation, cylindrical fibers, single mode fiber, multimode fibers, step index fibers, graded index fibers,single mode/multimode fiber transmission characteristics.
III. Transmission Characteristics
  • Attenuation, absorption losses (intrinsic and extrinsic), scattering losses, fiber bend loss, linear scattering losses (Rayleigh and Mir scattering), non-linear scattering losses (stimulated brillouin and stimulated raman scattering), pulse broadening, intra-modal and inter-modal dispersion, overall fiber dispersion, polarization, non-linear effects.
VI. Optical Fiber Cables and Connectors
  • Optical fibers, fiber strength and durability, cable design, fiber-to-fiber joints, fiber splicing.
V. Optical Fiber Communication System
  • Components of fiber optic networks, optical amplifiers, semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA),erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA), advanced multiplexing strategies, operational principles of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), FDDI, SONET/SDH networks, wavelength routing networks, wavelength cross-connects, Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) IEEE 802.17.
VI. Passive Optical Networks (PONs)
  • PON overview, optical line terminator (OLT), optical network unit (ONU), optical distribution network (ODN), PON evolution (TDM-PONs, WDM-PONs), splitter/couplers configurations,PON standards
Recommended Books
  1. Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice - John Senior (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 013032681X or ISBN-13: 978-0130326812)
  2. Optical Fiber Communications - Gerd Keiser (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0073380717 or ISBN-13: 978-0073380711)
  3. Understanding Optical Fiber Communications - A. J. Rogers (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0890064784 or ISBN-13: 978-0890064788)
  4. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems - Govind P. Agrawal (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471175404 or ISBN-13: 978-0471175407)
  5. Optical Fiber Communication Systems - Leonid Kazovsky, Alan E. Willner, Sergio Benedetto (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0890067562 or ISBN-13: 978-0890067567)
  6. Fiber Optic Networks - Paul E. Green (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0133194922 or ISBN-13: 978-0133194920)
  7. Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar Sivarajan, Galen Sasaki (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0123740924 or ISBN-13: 978-0123740922)
  8. Optical Communication Networks - Biswanath Mukherjee (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0070444358 or ISBN-13: 978-0070444355)
  9. Multiwavelength Optical Networks: A Layered Approach - Thomas E. Stern, Krishna Bala (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 020130967X or ISBN-13: 978-0201309676)
TL445 Transmission and Switching Systems 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Communication Systems, Digital Communication
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL445
Semester   |   7th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final lab examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the principles and working of different switching modes and high speed transmissiontechnologies used in telephone networks along with the role of signaling system.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Analyze and design multistage switches.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Investigate traffic statistics as well as distinguish different traffic types.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 1 and 2): Observe and imitate telephone switching, call routing, signaling, trunking, and charging of calls.


I. Review of Line Coding/Scrambling/Multiplexing Technique
  • Review of Unipolar, Polar, and Bipolar Line Coding Schemes
  • Multi-level Line Coding Schemes (2B1Q, 4B3T), Scrambling Techniques (HDB3, B8ZS)
  • FDM, analog carrier system, synchronous TDM, data rate management techniques,digital carrier system (DS, T, and E system) and example of DS-1 framing format, statistical TDM
  • Electric current, electric charge, coulomb’s law, electric field intensity and electric potential, capacitors and charge storage concepts.
II. Switching Technology
  • Circuit switching, packet switching, and virtual circuit switching.
III. Structure of Switch
  • Space-division switch (crossbar switches), multi-stage space-division switch and clos criterion, propagation delay, transmission delay, queueing delay, processing delay, time-division switch, timespace- time (TST) switch, space-time-space (STS) switch, banyan switch
IV. Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
  • Telephone handset, telephone base unit, pulse dialing, tone dialing, SLIC (BORSCHT), exchange hierarchy (class 5-4-3-2-1) and their functions, private branch exchange (PBX), customer premises equipment (CPE), local exchange carrier (LEC), interexchange carrier (IXC), ITU numbering plan, charging plan (single-pulse metering, multiple-pulse metering, periodic pulse metering, periodic multi-pulse metering)
V. Signaling Technique
  • Classification
  • Supervisory signals or line signals, routing signals or register signals, management signals or inter-register signaling
  • In-channeling signaling (inband and outband signaling, PCM signaling)
  • Common Channel Signaling (CCS), CSS Network (LE, STP, SCP), associated CCS, quasiassociated signaling, non-associated CCS
  • Comparison between In-channeling and Common Channel Signaling
  • Signaling System 7
  • Purpose and features of SS7, SS7 network architecture (SSP, STP, SCP), signaling link types (A-B-C-D-E-F), protocol architecture of SS7 (MTP, TCAP, ISUP, TUP, OMAP/DUP), SS7 signaling units (FISU, LSSU, MSU), basic call setup (IAM, ACM, ANM, REL, RLC)
VI. Traffic Analysis
  • Traffic characterization (loss and delay systems), trunk, arrival rate / calling rate, holding time / service time, traffic volume, traffic intensity or average occupancy, traffic measurement unit (erlang, century call seconds)
  • Traffic Statistics
  • call completion ratio (CCR), answer to seizure ratio (ASR) and factors affecting low ASR,network efficiency ratio (NER), call setup success rate (CSSR), call drop rate (CDR), call failure rate (CFR), mean holding time (MHT), mean conversation time (MCT), busy hour call attempts (BHCA), busy hour calling rate (BHCR), Grade of Service (GoS), blocking probability, call congestion, duration of congestion period
  • Traffic Types
  • traffic offered (call attempts), traffic carried (call success), traffic lost (call failure)
VII. Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) / Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)
  • Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) overview, advantages and disadvantages of PDH, SONET and SDH overview and its features, SONET signal hierarchy (STS-1 to STS-192) and the comparison of data rates for STS and STM signals, SONET components (STS multiplexer and demultiplexer, add/drop multiplexer (ADM), regenerators), comparison of SONET and existing digital signals, SONET network and layers, SONET frame format versus SDH frame format, SONET (SOH, LOH, POH), SONET virtual tributaries, SDH containers and virtual containers
VIII. Emerging Technologies
  • Broadband implementation in commercial exchange and introduction to software switches (softswitch)
  • Unification of circuit and packet technologies, next generation networks (NGN), layered architecture, implementation strategies
Recommended Books
  1. Digital Telephony - John C. Bellamy (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471345717 or ISBN-13: 978-0471345718)
  2. Telecommunications Switching Principles - Michael T. Hills (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0262080923 or ISBN-13: 978-0262080927)
  3. Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz A. Forouzan(5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0073376221 or ISBN-13: 978-0073376226)
  4. Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks - John Edward Flood(1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0130333094)
  5. Telecommunications Transmission Handbook - Roger L. Freeman(4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0471240181)
TL431 Queueing Theory 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Probability and Stochastic Processes, Computer Communication and Networking
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL431
Semester   |   7th
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   2+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work,60% final lab examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain fundamental concepts of queueing theory.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze simple queueing networks.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Model and investigate queues using markovian processes and chains.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 1): Perform experiments to observe and investigate the behaviour of simple to complex queueing systems using simulation software.


I. Review of probability theory and stochastic processes
  • - Conditional probabilities on events, independent events and conditionally independent events, law of total probability, bayes’ theorem
II. Queueing Theory
  • Introduction to queueing and its examples
  • Single-Server Network
    1. average arrival rate, mean inter-arrival time, mean service time, average service rate, service order
  • Performance metrics
    1. response time or sojourn time, waiting time or delay, number of jobs in the system, number of jobs in queue
  • Classification of queueing networks
    1. open networks and closed networks
      utilization and throughput
  • Little’s law for open and closed systems
  • Discrete-Time Markov Chains (DTMC)
    1. Definition and example, transition probabilities, finite-state DTMCs, stationary equations, examples of solving stationary equations, ergodic DTMC,
      Infinite-state DTMCs, solving stationary equations in infinite-state DTMCs
  • Continuous-Time Markov Chains (CTMC)
    1. Definition, example, balance equation, limit distribution, M/M/1 and PASTA,M/M/k, M/M/∞
Recommended Books
  1. Stochastic Processes - Sheldon M. Ross(2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0471120629)
  2. Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems - Mor Harchol-Balter (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0815721803 or ISBN-13: 978-0815721802)
  3. Queueing Systems Volume I: Theory - Leonard Kleinrock(ISBN-10: 0-471-49110-1)
  4. Fundamentals of Queueing Theory - Donald Gross, John F. Shortle, James M. Thompson (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 047179127X or ISBN-13: 978-0471791270
  5. Queueing Modelling Fundamentals: With Applications in Communication Networks - Ng Chee-Hock,Soong Boon-Hee(2nd ISBN-10: 0470519576 or ISBN-13: 978-0470519578)
  6. Queuing Theory and Telecommunications: Networks and Applications - Giovanni Giambene (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 1461440831 or ISBN-13: 978-1461440833)
TL424 Wireless Communications 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Electromagnetics, Antennas and Wave Propagation, Digital Communication
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL424
Semester   |   7th
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work,60% final lab examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Describe the wireless communication systems (evolution, paging system, cellular telephony, call setup procedure etc).
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply the fundamental concepts of channel modeling and cellular system design.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze and compare the performance of modulation schemes including spread spectrum systems and multicarrier systems.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Perform experiments to observe and investigate the behaviour of propagation channel and modulation schemes.


I. Introduction
  • Introduction to wireless communication systems, classification of wireless systems, wireless propagation mechanisms (free space, sky waves and space waves etc.), frequency classifications, radio frequency management.
II. Link Performance
  • wireless channel and impairments, path loss, path geometry, propagation models, free-space models, frii’s equation, two-ray models, diffraction models, fading, small scale fading (due to delay spread and due to doppler spread), large scale fading, rayleigh and rician fading, average duration of fade, level crossing rate, curved earth model, mitigation of fading using equalization, link budget.
  • access techniques (FDMA, TDMA and CDMA etc.), power control, cell splitting, cell breathing, sectoring.
III. Introduction to Cellular Communication System
  • History, evolution of cellular system, six basic components in every cellular system, frequency re-use concept, co-channel interference, channel assignment methods, handover and roaming, multiple access techniques (FDMA, TDMA and CDMA etc.), power control, cell splitting, cell breathing, sectoring.
IV. Spread Spectrum Systems
  • Introduction to spread spectrum methods, direct sequence spread spectrum, frequency hopping spread spectrum, slow and fast FHSS, pseudo noise codes, m-sequences, walsh hadamard codes, correlation properties of spreading codes, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
V. Legacy Systems
  • Introduction to GSM, system architecture, frame structure, channel types, GSM link level, GSM handover and roaming, IS-95 (CDMA-based), GPRS/EDGE systems, UMTS, UTRAN, HSPA, long-term evolution (LTE), LTE-A and beyond.
VI. Other Wireless Communication Systems
  • Diversity techniques (SISO and MIMO systems), cooperative communications, WiMAX, Bluetooth v4/v5, UWB systems, WLAN (IEEE 802.11n)
Recommended Books
  1. The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel - J. D. Parsons(2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 047198857X or ISBN-13: 978-0471988571)
  2. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice - Theodore S. Rappaport(2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0130422320 or ISBN-13: 007-6092011736)
  3. Modern Wireless Communications - Simon O. Haykin, Michael Moher(5th Edition,ISBN-10: 0130224723 or ISBN-13: 978-0130224729)

8th Semester Courses

TL413 Satellite and Radar Communications 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Antennas and Wave Propagation
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL413
Semester   |   8th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   3+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the principles, concepts and operation of satellite and radar communication systems.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Describe the concepts of signal propagation affects, link design, rain fading and link availability and perform interference calculations.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Critically analyze the design requirements and the performance of satellite and radar communication systems.


I. Principle of Satellite Communication
  • Introduction and historical background, need of satellite communication, uplink and downlink frequencies,international regulation and frequency coordination, satellite frequency allocation and band spectrum, general and technical characteristics of satellite communication signal.
II. Orbits and Launching Methods
  • Introduction to orbits and Kepler’s laws for planetary motion, orbital perturbations, GEO-stationary orbit, and antenna look angles, earth eclipse of satellite, launches and launch vehicles.
  • access techniques (FDMA, TDMA and CDMA etc.), power control, cell splitting, cell breathing, sectoring.
III. Radio Wave Propagation
  • Introduction of wave propagation theory, polarization of satellite signals, atmospheric losses, ionospheric effects, rain attenuation and depolarization and other impairments.
IV. The Space and Earth Segments
  • Introduction of satellite segments, satellite on board processing, satellite subsystems, introduction and types of earth stations.
V. The Space Links
  • Introduction, equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP), transmission losses, link power budget calculations, carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) and carrier to interference ratio (C/I).
VI. Satellite Accessing Techniques
  • Introduction of access techniques, pre-assigned and demand assigned FDMA, pre-assigned and demand assigned TDMA, satellite-switched TDMA, code-division multiple access (CDMA).
VII. Satellite Systems and Services
  • Introduction of satellite systems, global positioning system (GPS), very small aperture terminals (VSATs), direct broadcast satellite (DBS) services, mobile satellite services, metrological satellite services, remote sensing services.
  • RADAR concept, RADAR block diagram and operation, RADAR distance equation, nautical mile,RADAR received power equation.
  • Pulse wave RADAR, PRT, PRF, duty cycle, block diagram analysis of pulse RADAR
  • Continuous wave RADAR, doppler effect, RADAR velocity equation
  • Phased array RADAR, ultrawideband (UWB) RADAR, RADAR applications
  • Continuous wave RADAR, doppler effect, RADAR velocity equation
  • Phased array RADAR, ultrawideband (UWB) RADAR, RADAR applications
Recommended Books
  1. Satellite Communications - Dennis Roddy (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0071462988 or ISBN-13: 978-0071462983)
  2. Satellite Communication Systems - M. Richharia(2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0071342087 or ISBN-13: 063-9785308706)
  3. Handbook on Satellite Communications - International Telecommunications Union(3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471221899 or ISBN-13: 978-0471221890)
  4. Satellite Communications Fundamentals - Jules E. Kadish, Thomas W. R. East(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1580531369 or ISBN-13: 978-1580531368)
  5. Satellite Communications - Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian, Jeremy E. Allnutt(2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 047137007X or ISBN-13: 978-0471370079)
TL455 Network Protocols and Architecture 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Computer Communication and Networking
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL455
Semester   |   8th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   2+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+45
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain link aggregation solutions, VLAN principles, link layer protocols for serial links, IP security architectures, IPv6 networks and routing technologies.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze VLANs and ACLs to suit application requirements.
CLO3 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 3): Configure and implement link aggregation solutions, IP security, NAT and VLANs to suit application requirements.


I. Advanced Enterprise Solutions and Link Aggregation
  • I. Advanced Enterprise Solutions and Link Aggregation
II. VLAN Principles
  • Application of VLAN tagging, port link types and characteristics
  • Port based VLANs
  • Characteristics of GARP and GVRP, GARP messages and GVRP registration modes
IV. VLAN Routing
  • Purpose of VLAN routing
  • VLAN routing for layer 2 and layer 3 switches
V. Principle and Configuration of HDLC and PPP
  • DCE, DTE, HDLC protocol
  • PPP protocol, components of PPP, PPP frame
  • LCP negotiation
  • PAP authentication on the PPP link
  • CHAP authentication on the PPP link
VI. Frame Relay Principles
  • Function of DLCI, LMI negotiation process, static and dynamic mapping
  • PPPoE connection establishment process and sessions
VII. Network Address Translation
  • General behavior of NAT, differnt forms of NAT
VIII. Access Control Lists
  • Applications of ACL in the enterprise networks
  • Decision making behavior of ACLs
  • Establishing AAA and schemes of AAA security architecture
IX. Securing Traffic with IPSec VPN
  • Basic principles of IPSec security architecture
  • IPSec peering between two devices
X. Supporting Dynamic Routing with GRE
  • Principle behavior of GRE, GRE over IPSec
XI. Simple Network Management Protocol
  • SNMP architecture and messaging behavior
  • Function of the Management Information Base (MIB)
XII.Implementing IPv6 Networks and Routing Technologies
  • Characteristics of IPv6, address format and addressing types
  • IPv6 stateless address auto-configuration
  • Characteristics and operation of RIPng and OSPFv3
Recommended Books
  1. HCNA Networking Study Guide - Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 9811015538 or ISBN-13: 978-9811015533)
  2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach - James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross(6th Edition,ISBN-10: 0-13-285620-4 or ISBN-13: 978-0-13-285620-1)
  3. CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Study Guide: Exam 100-105, Exam 200-105, Exam 200-125 - Todd Lammle(2nd Edition,ISBN-10: 1119288282 or ISBN-13: 978-1119288282)
  4. Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz A. Forouzan(5th Edition,ISBN-10: 0073376221 or ISBN-13: 978-0073376226)
TL484 Emerging Wireless Technologies and RF Planning 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Wireless Communications
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Major Based Core (Depth)
Course Code   |   TL484
Semester   |   8th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Discuss the fundamentals of emerging wireless communication systems and process of radio network planning.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Investigate the traffic modelling, blocking and dropping.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Demonstrate the link budget, coverage probability and frequency reuse planning.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Distinguish the design principles and deployment scenarios of 2G, 3G and beyond systems.


I. Capacity Planning
  • Detailed network design and analysis - capacity design, traffic modeling (Erlang model), reverse/forward link capacity and link capacity equation, network architecture, site surveys and audits, cell site configurations
II. Link Budgets
  • Noise figure in link budget, S/N ratio for a mobile user, receiver sensitivity, confidence cell, shadow margin and handoff gain, fade margin, interference, forward/reverse link range, link budget factors (MAPL calculations)
III. Coverage Planning
  • Coverage design, average path loss models (Hata, Cost 231 etc.), Link budget factors (MAPL calculations),cell site gains and losses, drive testing, identifying antenna types, antenna configurations,coverage goals, equipment characteristics, base station design, spreadsheet based planning and growth planning
IV. 2G Network Planning: Case Study GSM
  • Review of GSM system and architecture, reverse and forward links, frequency planning (frequency reuse, frequency allocation, frequency conflicts, handoffs, power control)
V. 3G Network Planning: Case Study WCDMA/CDMA2000
  • Fundamentals of CDMA2000 standard, radio configurations, wireless architecture, reverse and forward links, logical and physical channels
  • PN Planning (frequency allocation, pilot increment and search window size, PN offset reuse patterns, PN offset planning, pilot searching process, aliasing)
  • Handoff Planning (soft handoffs, deploying second carrier, hard handoff, interference mitigation, hard handoff triggers, pilot beacon)
VI. Emerging Wireless Networks
  • WLAN/WPAN/WMAN (IEEE 802.15, 802.16, IEEE 802.11ac, 802.11ah for IoT, 802.11ai, 802.11ax)
  • 4G/5G (OFDMA, SC-FDMA, SOFDMA, BDMA, FBMC, IEEE 802.11ad, 802.11af)
  • 5G cellular network architecture
Recommended Books
  1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: Analog and Digital Systems - William C. Y. Lee(2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0070380899 or ISBN-13: 978-0070380899)
  2. Radio Interface System Planning for GSM/GPRS/UMTS - Jukka Lempi¨ainen, Matti Manninen(2nd Edition,ISBN-10: 1441949143 or ISBN-13: 978-1441949141)
  3. Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS - Jaana Laiho, Achim Wacker, Tomas Novosad(2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0470015756 or ISBN-13: 978-0470015759)
  4. CDMA RF System Engineering - Samuel C. Yang(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0890069913 or ISBN-13: 978-0890069912)
  5. Fundamentals of LTE - Arunabha Ghosh, Jun Zhang, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Rias Muhamed(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0137033117 or ISBN-13: 978-0137033119)
  6. CDMA Network planning - Qualcomm (Student Notes)
  7. Emerging Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs, and Wireless MANs: IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, 802.16 Wireless Standard Family - Yang Xiao, Yi Pan(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0471720690 or ISBN-13: 978-0471720690)
  8. RF Engineering for Wireless Networks: Hardware, Antennas, and Propagation - Daniel M. Dobkin(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0750678739 or ISBN-13: 978-0750678735)
  9. Cellular Mobile Radio Systems: Designing Systems for Capacity Optimization - Husni Hammuda(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0471956414 or ISBN-13: 978-0471956419)
  10. Designing a Wireless Network: Understanding How Wireless Communication Works - Jeffrey Wheat, Randy Hiser, Jackie Tucker, Alicia Neely, Andy McCullough(1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1928994458 or ISBN-13: 978-1928994459)
TL461 Telecom Policies and Standards 2 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Management Sciences
Course Code   |   TL461
Semester   |   8th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Explain the policy objectives in the Telecommunication Policy development and the role of independent regulations and familiarization with ICT / Telecom regulatory issues / challenges posed by emerging technologies / trends and vis-`a-vis legal / regulatory regime in Pakistan.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Apply the understanding in providing Quality of Service, customer care and competitive behavior and demonstrate the skills acquired in a professional manner.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze the current Telecommunication policies and standards worldwide given by ITU(T), IEEE and International Organization of Standards (ISO).


I. Introduction
  • Basic concepts and definitions concerning ICT along with types of ICT and its measuring parameters
  • Selected regulatory terminologies
II. Pakistan Telecom. Background/Historical Perspective
  • Covering telecom sector’s background, from the days of T&T to the current competitive scenario prevailing in the local telecom market
  • Introduction to and functioning of telecom regulatory stakeholders in Pakistan: stakeholders, like the GoP (MoIT), pakistan telecom authority (PTA), frequency allocation board (FAB), telecom operators/service providers, telecom consumers, etc.
III. Telecom Deregulation and Liberalization (A Conceptual Framework)
  • Familiarization with Telecom liberalization, privatization, de-regulation, competition etc. as per international best practices.
IV. Regulating for Effective Competition
  • Conceptual frame work of telecom regulation as international best practices, prevailing regulatory environment in the country; competition amongst various segments of services in Pakistan and future prospects etc.
  • Process of legislation in Pakistan and introduction to telecom policies, act, rules and regulations: process of enactment of legislation/laws, presentation/discussion on telecom reorganization act of 1996, introduction to various telecom rules and major regulations issued by PTA and analysis of their usefulness/utility
V. Introduction to Telecom Standards and Protocols
  • Familiarization with international/regional telecom organizations/bodies: functioning of various agencies/bodies (international and regional) such as World Bank, WTO, ITU, APT and SAARC etc.
  • Acquaintance with telecom standard organizations like ITU(T), IEEE and international organization of standards (ISO) etc.
Recommended Books
  1. Section 1 (Chapters 1,2,4,7), Section 4 (Chapters 15,16), Section 6 (Chapters 24,26,27,28), Section 7 (Chapter 31) of “The APC ICT Policy Handbook (Second edition) | Association for Progressive Communications”,, 2016. [Online]. Available: handbook-second-edition. [Accessed: 13-Oct-2016].
  2. Chapters 1,2 of “10th Anniversary Telecommunications Regulation Handbook”,, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-Oct-2016].
  3. Secondary Reading: International Telecom. Union (ITU) relevant publications at ; International Organization for Standardization (ISO) at ; Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IEEE) at
  4. An Introduction to International Telecommunications Law - Charles H. Kennedy, M. Veronica Pastor (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0890068356 or ISBN-13: 978-0890068359)
  5. International Telecommunications Handbook - Robert M. Frieden (1st Edition,ISBN-10: 0890065683 or ISBN-13: 978-0890065686)
  6. Material on various topics issued by the instructor
STD951 Entrepreneurship 2 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Humanities (Social Sciences)
Course Code   |   TL461
Semester   |   8th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   50
Practical Marks   |   0
Credit Hours   |   2+0
Minimum Contact Hours   |   30+0
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Affective Domain ( (Level 1): Develop advanced knowledge on how to assess business opportunities and an in-depth understanding of what typically characterize successes and failures.
CLO2 - Affective Domain ( (Level 1): Develop advanced knowledge about key processes necessary to bring new products and services to market and key challenges faced by the entrepreneur at different stages.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 6): Assess the commercial viability of new technologies, business opportunities and existing companies.
CLO3 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 6): Plan, organize, and execute a project or new venture with the goal of bringing new products and service to the market.


I. Foundations of Entrepreneurship
  • Concept of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur
  • Different forms of Entrepreneurship
II. Making the Possible Real
  • Core of Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship
  • Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
  • Essential skills for Entrepreneur
  • Cognitive foundations of Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial revolution
III. Entrepreneurship
  • An evolving concept
  • Understanding Entrepreneurial opportunities and industry analysis
  • Developing corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation and the Entrepreneurship
  • Minority Entrepreneurs
  • Total quality management in Entrepreneurship
  • Women Entrepreneurship
Recommended Books
  1. Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in Play - Suna Lowe Nielsen, Kim Klyver, Majbritt Rostgaard Evald, Torben Bager (1st Edition,ISBN-10: 1781000395 or ISBN-13: 978-1781000397)
  2. Entrepreneurship: An Evidence-Based Guide - Robert A. Baron (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0324365586 or ISBN-13: 978-0324365580)
  3. Entrepreneurship: A Process Perspective - Robert A. Baron, Scott A. Shane (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0324365586 or ISBN-13: 978-0324365580)
  4. Entrepreneurship - Donald F. Kuratko, Richard M. Hodgetts (7th Edition,ISBN-10: 0324323417 or ISBN-13: 978-0324323412)
  5. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship - H. Nandan (3rd Edition,ISBN-10: 8120347501 or ISBN-13: 978-8120347502)

Archived Courses

TL231 Signals and Systems 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Complex Variables and Transforms
Knowledge Area   |   Engineering Foundation
Course Code   |   TL231
Semester   |   4th
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Identify signal types and signal representation, signal operations in time and frequency domains.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyze the performance of continuous and discrete signals and their system modeling.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Demonstrate the system modeling and interpret stability criteria.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design continuous time analog filters.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Carry out experiments using MATLAB and communication trainers.


I. Introduction

Classification of signals, basic operations on signals, signal representation and models, system characteristics, signal calculus, power representations signals, linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, zero-state and zero-input responses, characterization of systems using system equations and impulse response, system order, properties of LTI systems, causality and stability.

II. Time Domain Analysis

Sinusoidal and complex exponential signals, singularity function signals, signal energy and signal power, orthogonal signals, signal representation by generalized fourier series, convolution evaluation and properties.

III. System Representation in Laplace Domain

Review of laplace transform, pole-zero plots, system, stability, S-domain transfer function, obtaining transfer function from the system equation.

IV. Frequency Domain Representation and Analysis of Signals and Systems

Spectra and bandwidth of signals, review of fourier series and fourier transform for representation of signals, standard signals in the frequency domain, energy density spectrum, power density spectrum, auto-correlation function, system frequency response, phase delay and group delay.

V. Continuous-Time Filters

Filter response terminology, Nth order filter functions (low pass, high pass, band pass, notch, and all pass), examples of passive filter circuits (low pass, high pass, band pass notch, and all-pass),frequency transformation

Ideals filters: introduction and background

Analog filter designs: butterworth, chebyshev I and II, elliptic

VI. Sampled Continuous - Time Signals and Systems

Ideal sampling, sampling theorem, practical sampling effects, discrete-time signals as vectors, DTsystems as linear transformation of these vectors, constant coefficient difference equations, solving difference equations, determining unit pulse response.

Lab Outline

The laboratory experiments will cover simulations of continuous-time/discrete-time signals, linear timeinvariant systems, fourier series and fourier transform, effects of changing the time period of periodic signals, sampling, digital filters and convolution of signals. Hardware based experiments using spectrum analyzer and network analyzer.

Recommended Books
  1. Signal and Linear System Analysis - Gordon E. Carlson (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471124656 or ISBN-13: 978-0471124658)
  2. Signals and Systems - Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471164747 or ISBN-13: 978-0471164746)
  3. Signals and Systems - Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, with S. Hamid Nawab (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0138147574 or ISBN-13: 978-0138147570)
TL112 Introduction to Simulation 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Introduction to Programming
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Engineering Foundation
Course Code   |   TL112
Semester   |   2nd
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   0
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   0+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   0+45
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Discuss the basic concepts of simulation and the related terminologies.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Use techniques to model and simulate various systems.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3 and 4): Analyze a system and to make use of the information to improve the performance and practice to code, debug and execute the problem statement in programming language.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Perform a task to solve the problem statement and execute programs in programming language.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 6): Design various projects in different programming languages.

Lab Outline I. Introduction to Simulation

What is simulation, objectives of simulation, advantages and disadvantages of simulation, areas of application, steps in a simulation study

I. Introduction to Simulation

What is simulation, objectives of simulation, advantages and disadvantages of simulation, areas of application, steps in a simulation study


state variable, entities, attributes, activity, event, endogenous, exogenous, continuous-time and discrete-time model, continuous-state and discrete-state models, deterministic and probabilistic models, static and dynamic models, linear and nonlinear models, open and closed models, stable and unstable models

Common mistakes in simulations:

Inappropriate level of detail, improper language, unverified model, invalid model, improperly handled initial condition, too short simulations, poor random-number generator, improper selection of seed

Types of Simulation:

Monte-Carlo simulation, Trace-Driven simulation, Discrete-Event Simulation

II. Simulation Tools

Introduction and familiarization of Matlab/Simulink environment

Loops, functions, plotting, and array manipulation using Matlab

Basic mathematical, circuit analysis, and related examples using Simulink

Introduction and familiarization of GNU Octave environment

Basic mathematical operation and plotting using GNU Octave

Installation and familiarization of OrCAD EE (PSpice) Designer environment

Design of simple circuits and their analysis using PSpice

Installation and familiarization of Quite Universal Circuit Simulator (Qucs)

Design of simple circuits and their analysis using Qucs

Installation and familiarization of OMNeT++/NS-3

Demonstration of simple example using OMNeT++/NS-3

Installation and familiarization of Riverbed Modeler Academic Edition

Demonstration of simple example using Riverbed Modeler Academic Edition

  1. MATLAB and Simulink -
  2. GNU Octave -
  3. OrCAD PSpice Designer -
  4. Quite Universal Circuit Simulator (Qucs) -
  5. OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulator -
  6. NS-3 -
  7. OPNET/Riverbed Modeler -
  8. NI Multisim -
  9. NI LabVIEW -
Recommended Books
  1. Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Methodology, Advances, Applications, and Practice - Jerry Banks (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0471134031 or ISBN-13: 978-0471134039)
  2. The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling - Raj Jain (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0471503363 or ISBN-13: 978-0471503361)
  3. Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers - William J. Palm III, William Palm (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0072922427 or ISBN-13: 978-0072922424)
  4. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ - Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Dinesh Mehta (nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0929306376 or ISBN-13: 978-0929306377)
  5. Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving - Stormy Attaway (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0124058760 or ISBN-13: 978-0124058767)
  6. A Concise Introduction to Matlab - William Palm III (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0073385832 or ISBN-13: 978-0073385839)
  7. Spice: A Guide to Circuit Simulation and Analysis using PSPICE - Paul W. Tuinenga (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0134360494 or ISBN-13: 978-0134360492)
  8. The SPICE Book - Andrei Vladimirescu (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0471609269 or ISBN-13: 978-0471609261)
CS104 Introduction to Programming 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Computing (Programming)
Course Code   |   CS104
Semester   |   1st
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Discuss history and introduction to computer systems. Use hardware of computer to understand working / construction of various computer peripherals, processing units, and storage media.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Discuss the background history in the context of programming languages / environment / style / conventions along with compilers and portability.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3 and 4): Practice to code the problem statements and analyze by debugging and executing in programming language.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 6): Design different projects in C/C++ and perform a task to solve the problem statement and execute programs in C/C++.


Introduction to computers and programming:

Background, history and context, programming languages, programming environment, compilers, the edit-compile-link-execute model, portability, programming style and conventions.

Introduction to programs and software, system software, application software, operating systems, compilation and interpretation, problem specification, algorithms, flow chart, pseudo code.

Programming techniques:

Data types and declaration, header file and linkage, variables and constants, arrays, input/output, termination, remark, control structures, branching, conditional structures, repetition and loops, basic library functions

Lab Outline

Operating Systems: introduction to various operating systems (Microsoft Windows, Linux: Ubuntu / SUN Solaris) and office tools (OpenOffice/LibreOffice, Microsoft Office).

Programming: coding, compilation, execution and debugging of simple C++ programs, implementation of simple control structures, implementation of functions, implementation of different function styles, input/output, loops, conditional branching, arrays, multidimensional arrays, array as function arguments, strings, null character, string functions, pointer variable, returning multiple values from functions, pointers and arrays, pointers arithmetic, pointers and strings, double indirection.

Introduction to Python

Recommended Books
  1. Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computers and Communications - Brian Williams and Stacey Sawyer (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0072260718 or ISBN-13: 978-0072260717)
  2. The C Programming Language - Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0131103628 or ISBN-13: 978-0131103627)
  3. Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science - John Zelle (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 1590282418 or ISBN-13: 978-1590282410)
  4. Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance - William Stallings (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131856448 or ISBN-13: 978-0131856448)
  5. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ - Robert Lafore (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0672323087 or ISBN-13: 978-0672323089)
  6. Understanding Pointers in C - Yashavant Kanetkar (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 8176563587 or ISBN-13: 978-8176563581)
  7. A Practical Guide to Solaris - Mark G. Sobell (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 020189548X or ISBN-13: 078-5342895483)
TL121 Applied Physics 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Natural Science (Physics)
Course Code   |   TL121
Semester   |   1st
Effective   |   17TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Familiarize with the physics of semiconductors, electrostatics, magnetism and electrical circuits.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Understand the basic concepts of AC/DC based electrical circuits.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Design AC/DC circuit containing different components.
CLO4 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Perform experiments in laboratory to validate the laws and theories of physics.


Semiconductor Physics:

Insulators, conductors, superconductors, semiconductors, energy levels in a semiconductor, hole concept, intrinsic and extrinsic regions, electron hole pair, distribution of electrons and holes in conduction and valence band, recombination and life time, doped semiconductors, law of mass action, PN junction, forward and reverse characteristics, diodes and transistors.


Electric current, electric charge, coulomb’s law, electric field intensity and electric potential, capacitors and charge storage concepts.

Electric Circuits:

Electric quantities, simple resistive circuits (series and parallel), kirchhoff law (KVL, KCL), voltage-divider rule, current-divider rule, resistive bridges and ladders, nodal analysis, loop analysis, linearity and superposition, source transformation, circuit theorems, power calculations, analysis of RC and RL circuits.


Magnetism, magnetic fields, magnetic effects of electric current, faraday’s and lenz’s laws, ampere's law and its applications, eddy currents, inductors and inductance, induced current and their applications (transformers, generators etc.).

AC fundamentals:

AC waveform, period and frequency, radians and angular frequency, peak, instantaneous and rms values, average and effective values, AC voltage and current in capacitors and inductors, average power.

Lab Outline

The laboratory experiments will make students understand the phenomena of electromagnetic induction, heating effect of electric current, and the tools to analyze electric circuits and PN junction devices. For example, evaluation of series/parallel resistive circuits, charging/discharging mechanism of RC and RL circuits as well as non-linear characteristics of diode are investigated through hardware/simulations tools.

Recommended Books
  1. University Physics - Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman (13th Edition, ISBN-10: 0321696891 or ISBN-13: 978-0321696892)
  2. Physics - David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Kenneth S. Krane (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0471804584 or ISBN-13: 978-0471804581)
  3. Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis - J. David Irwin, Robert M. Nelms (11th Edition, ISBN-10: 111853929X or ISBN-13: 978-1118539293)
  4. Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology - Edward Hughes (11th Edition, ISBN-10: 0273755102 or ISBN-13: 978-0273755104)
ENG320 Technical Report Writing Skills 3 Credit Hours

Text analysis, critical thinking, skimming, scanning and detailed reading


Academic writing/technical report writing drafting letters with different types of messages with different registers and purposes, prepare CV's and covering letters according to job requirement


Listening comprehension formal and informal lectures and presentations, take notes and collect specific information


Speaking in real life situations, conversational strategies, elements of public speaking: giving lectures and presentation on specific topics, ask questions and explain point of view in discussions (demonstrate turn taking technique)

Recommended Books
  1. Axelrod & Cooper's Concise Guide to Writing - Rise B. Axelrod, Charles R. Cooper (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0312668902 or ISBN-13: 978-0312668907)
  2. English for Business: A Functional Approach - Joseph Chilver (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1858050634 or ISBN-13: 978-1858050638)
  3. Writing: Advanced - Ron White (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0194534073 or ISBN-13: 978-0194534079)
  4. College Writing Skills with Readings - John Langan (9th Edition, ISBN-10: 0078036275 or ISBN-13: 978-0078036279)
  5. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide - Laurie G. Kirszner, Stephen R. Mandell (13th Edition, ISBN-10: 1457666529 or ISBN-13: 978-1457666520)
  6. Mercury Reader - A Custom Publication - Janice Neuleib, Kathleen Shine Cain, Stephen Ruffus (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1256182192 or ISBN-13: 978-1256182191)
  7. Effective Business Communications - Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt, Jane P. Thomas (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 007044398X or ISBN-13: 978-0070443983)
  8. Ultimate Cover Letters - Martin John Yate (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0749464054 or ISBN-13: 978-0749464059)
ES323 Opto-Electronics 3 Credit Hours

Introduction of optoelectronics devices, historical background, the nature of light, basic laws and properties of light, units of measuring light (radiometric and photometric units)

Semiconductor Light Sources:

Light sources, emission and absorption of radiation, the einstein relation, light emission in semiconductor, stimulation emission in semiconductors, lasing conditions in semiconductors, population inversion, electrical and optical bandwidth


Laser operation and basic concept, optical feedback, pumping, einstein relationship, population inversion, optical emission from semiconductor, semiconductors laser diodes (SLDs), types of semiconductor laser diodes, homojunction and heterojunction lasers, semiconductor injection laser, stripe geometry, gain guided laser, index-guided laser, quantum well lasers, short and couple guide laser, distributed feedback laser, VCSE lasers, injection laser characteristics, injection laser to fiber coupling, non-semiconductor lasers, spectral and output characteristics, threshold condition, laser losses, laser modes, classes of lasers, single mode operation, stripe geometry, efficiency, tunable lasers, direct and external modulation

Light Emitting Diode:

Light emitting diodes (LEDs), types of light emitting diodes (LEDs), LED power and efficiency, spectral characteristics, modulation, capabilities

Photo Detectors:

Photo detection in semiconductors, quantum efficiency, responsivity, long wavelength cutoff, semiconductor photodiodes without internal gain, PIN photodiodes, avalanche photodiodes (APDs), photodetector noise considerations, phototransistors.

Optical Transmitters and Receiver:

Intensity modulation and direct detection modulation (IM/DD), SLD drive circuits, LED drive circuit, optical receivers design, receiver noise.

Lab Outline:

Introduction to optoelectronics, measuring characteristics of optical sources (LED and LASER), measuring characteristics of optical detector (PN, PIN and APD), overview of optical source meter and optical power meter, field optical spectrum analyzer

Recommended Books
  1. Optoelectronics - Endel Uiga (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0024221708 or ISBN-13: 978-0024221704)
  2. Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice - John Senior (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 013032681X or ISBN-13: 978-0130326812)
  3. Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar Sivarajan, Galen Sasaki (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0123740924 or ISBN-13: 978-0123740922)
TL333 Computer Communication and Networking 3 Credit Hours
Introduction to Communication System:

Communication model, data communications, networks, the Internet.

Architecture and Protocols:

Need for protocol architecture, layered architecture of ISO-OSI model, standard protocols and its functions, TCP/IP protocol suit, IPv4 and IPv6

Data Communication:

Data transmission concept and terminology, analog and digital transmission, transmission impairments (attenuation, delay distortion, noise), bandwidth and data rate, transmission types (synchronous, asynchronous), types of errors (error detection and correction methods), modes of transmission (simplex, half duplex and full duplex).

Data Link Control Protocols and Multiplexing Techniques:

Introduction to error/flow control (stop-n-wait, sliding window), frame format (SDLC and HDLC), frequency division multiplexing (FDM), time division multiplexing (TDM), synchronous TDM and asynchronous TDM.

Switched Communication Network:

Switched networks (circuit switched, message switched, packet switched virtual CKT. and datagram), broadcast network, packet radio network, satellite network, access method (CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, ALOHA and token passing), introduction to congestion and congestion control mechanism.

Lab Outline:

Installation and troubleshooting of network interface card (NIC), transmission media (guided/unguided), cables and connectors, introduction to client/server architecture, introduction to LAN/WAN, physical layout (bus, star, tree and ring topology), inter networking devices (repeaters, bridges, switches and routers), LAN types: ethernet, token ring, ARCnet, FDDI, fast ethernet, 100 base VG any LAN etc., introduction to IP addressing scheme, introduction to OPNET: a network simulation tool, observe the operation of ethernet network (creating a direct link with media access control using OPNET), modeling the CCNA topology using OPNET in a WAN scale, introduction to routers and its interfaces, router configuration, introduction to routing (static/dynamic).

Recommended Books
  1. Data and Computer Communications - William Stallings (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131006819 or ISBN-13: 978-0131006812)
  2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach - James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132856204 or ISBN-13: 978-0132856201)
  3. Computer Networks - Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132126958 or ISBN-13: 978-0132126953)
TL344 Digital Signaling Processing 3 Credit Hours

Review of discrete-time signals and systems along with their representation, analogue-to-digital conversion, uniform sampling theorem, quantisation and its effects, quantisation noise to signal ratio.

Time-Domain DSP:

Characterization of a discrete-time system using difference equation and pulse transfer function, signal energy and signal power of a DT signal, convolution sum and its use in DT systems, correlation, and normalized correlation, the concept of self-similarity and autocorrelation, using autocorrelation for timing recovery.

Fourier Transform:

Discrete-Time fourier transform, periodicity of DTFT and the proof of nyquist theorem, discrete fourier transform (DFT), properties of DFT, introduction to fast fourier transform (radix-2, decimation in time, decimation in frequency), magnitude and phase response using DFT.

Z Transform:

Z-transform for the analyses of discrete-time systems, inverse Z-transform, solution of difference equations using Z-transforms, obtaining the pulse transfer function from the difference equation, pole-zero maps in the Z-domain, stability of discrete-time systems

Digital Filters:

Concepts of FIR and IIR digital systems, design of digital filters using discrete-time fourier transform - window method, introduction to window functions, comparison of the properties of the window functions.

Spectrum Estimation:

Stationary and non-stationary signals, estimating energy density spectrum of non-stationary signals using window functions, advantages and disadvantages of the window functions in terms of spectral resolution and leakage, periodogram or power density spectrum.

Multi-rate Digital Signal Processing:

Advantages for multi-rate digital signal processing, decimation, interpolation, sampling rate conversion by a rational factor, applications for multi-rate signal processing in telecommunication engineering.

Lab Outline:

MATLAB: sampling and quantisation of signals, implementation and interpretation of convolution, correlation algorithms, frequency-domain analyses of discrete-time signals and systems, discrete fourier transform (DFT), design of FIR filters using window method, power spectrum estimation of signals, introduction to multirate signal processing.

TI DSP 320TMSC6713: introduction to TI 320TMSC6713 DSP starter kit and code composer studio, implementation of mathematical equations on the DSK, import/export of data to/from DSK, digital direct synthesis.

Recommended Books
  1. Discrete-Time Signal Processing - Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0131988425 or ISBN-13: 978-0131988422)
  2. Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach - Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barrie Jervis (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0201596199 or ISBN-13: 978-0201596199)
  3. Digital Signal Processing - John G. Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131873741 or ISBN-13: 978-0131873742)
  4. Understanding Digital Signal Processing - Richard G. Lyons (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0137027419 or ISBN-13: 978-0137027415)
TL361 Microwave Engineering 3 Credit Hours

Microwave definition, microwave frequencies, properties of microwaves.

Transmission Lines:

General description of waves on transmission line, e-waves, h-waves, group velocity, phase velocity, impedance and admittance relationship of transmission line, propagation characteristics (attenuation constant, phase constant), travelling waves and standing waves, VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio).


Wave-guide transmission line single mode propagation, rectangular wave-guide, problems on rectangular wave guide, cylindrical wave-guide, elliptical wave-guides, propagation characteristic wave-guide

Microwave Network Analysis:

Z and Y parameters analysis, ABCD and S representation of microwave networks, transmission lines, discontinuities and s-parameters, smith chart analyzing rules, smith chart and matching networks

Microwave Tubes:

High frequency limitations of conventional tubes. Bunching and velocity modulation

Microwave Transmitters and Receivers:

Principles and operation of one cavity and two cavity klystrons, multicavity klystron, travelling wave tubes, backward wave oscillator, microwave solid state devices, varactor diode, PIN diode, GUNN diode and IMPATT diode

Microwave Components:

Directional couplers, power dividers, microwave mixers, theory of mixing, conversion loss, microwave link planning, introduction to MMIc’s, application and limitations.

Recommended Books
  1. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design - Constantine A. Balanis (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 047166782X or ISBN-13: 978-0471667827)
  2. Foundations for Microwave Engineering - Robert E. Collin (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0070118116 or ISBN-13: 978-0070118119)
  3. Microwave Theory and Applications - Stephen F. Adam (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 013581488X or ISBN-13: 978-0135814888)
  4. Microwave Engineering - David M. Pozar (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0470631554 or ISBN-13: 978-0470631553)
TL353 Probability and Stochastic Processes 3 Credit Hours

Introduction to probability, axiomatic approach, distribution function and density function of random variables, examples of distribution and density functions, conditional and joint distribution, functions of random variables, central-limit theorem, expected value, moments, variance, mean, autocorrelation, stationary process, wide sense stationary process, transformation of stochastic processes, correlation, power-spectrum, thermal noise, band-limited processes

Introduction to linear mean square estimation and filtering problems, random signal and noise through a linear system, noise representation, signal to noise ratio for F.M., A.M., P.M. and digital modulation schemes, shot noise, white noise, noise figure and noise temperature.

Recommended Books
  1. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers - Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. Runger (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 1118539710 or ISBN-13: 978-1118539712)
  2. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists - Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying E. Ye (9th Edition, ISBN-10: 9332519080 or ISBN-13: 978-9332519084)
  3. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems - B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0195331451 or ISBN-13: 978-0195331455)
  4. Digital and Analog Communication Systems - Leon W. Couch (8th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132915383 or ISBN-13: 978-0132915380)
TL473 Fiber Optics Communication Systems 3 Credit Hours

History of optical communication, elements of optical fiber communication (OFC) transmission link, evolution of fiber optic system, advantages of OFC system.

Optical Fiber Wave Guides:

Optical fiber waveguide, Ray theory transmission, electromagnetic mode theory for optical propagation, cylindrical fibers, single mode fiber, multimode fibers, step index fibers, graded index fibers, single mode/multimode fiber transmission characteristics.

Transmission Characteristics:

Attenuation, absorption losses (intrinsic and extrinsic), scattering losses, fiber bend loss, linear scattering losses (Rayleigh and Mir scattering), non-linear scattering losses (stimulated brillouin and stimulated raman scattering), pulse broadening, intra-modal and inter-modal dispersion, overall fiber dispersion, polarization, non-linear effects.

Optical Fiber Cables and Connectors:

Optical fibers, fiber strength and durability, cable design, fiber-to-fiber joints, fiber splicing.

Optical Fiber Communication System:

Components of fiber optic networks, optical amplifiers, semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA), erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA), advanced multiplexing strategies, operational principles of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), basic on concepts of SONET/SDH network.

Optical Fiber Measurements:

Fiber attenuation measurements, fiber dispersion measurements, field measurements, optical time domain reflectormeter (OTDR).

Recommended Books
  1. Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice - John Senior (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 013032681X or ISBN-13: 978-0130326812)
  2. Understanding Optical Fiber Communications - A. J. Rogers (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0890064784 or ISBN-13: 978-0890064788)
  3. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems - Govind P. Agrawal (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471175404 or ISBN-13: 978-0471175407)
  4. Fiber Optic Networks - Paul E. Green (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0133194922 or ISBN-13: 978-0133194920)
TL412 Satellite Communication 3 Credit Hours
Principle of Satellite Communication:

Introduction and historical background, need of satellite communication, uplink and downlink frequencies, international regulation and frequency coordination, satellite frequency allocation and band spectrum, general and technical characteristics of satellite communication signal.

Orbits and Launching Methods:

Introduction to orbits and Kepler's laws for planetary motion, orbital perturbations, GEO-stationary orbit, and antenna look angles, earth eclipse of satellite, launches and launch vehicles.

Radio Wave Propagation:

Introduction of wave propagation theory, polarization of satellite signals, atmospheric losses, ionospheric effects, rain attenuation and depolarization and other impairments.

The Space and Earth Segments:

Introduction of satellite segments, satellite on board processing, satellite subsystems, introduction and types of earth stations.

The Space Links:

Introduction, equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP), transmission losses, link power budget calculations, carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) and carrier to interference ratio (C/I).

Satellite Accessing Techniques:

Introduction of access techniques, pre-assigned and demand assigned FDMA, pre-assigned and demand assigned TDMA, satellite-switched TDMA, code-division multiple access (CDMA).

Satellite Systems and Services:

Introduction of satellite systems, global positioning system (GPS), very small aperture terminals (VSATs), direct broadcast satellite (DBS) services, mobile satellite services, metrological satellite services, remote sensing services.

Recommended Books
  1. Satellite Communications - Dennis Roddy (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0071462988 or ISBN-13: 978-0071462983)
  2. Satellite Communication Systems - M. Richharia (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0071342087 or ISBN-13: 063-9785308706)
  3. Handbook on Satellite Communications - International Telecommunications Union (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471221899 or ISBN-13: 978-0471221890)
  4. Satellite Communications Fundamentals - Jules E. Kadish, Thomas W. R. East (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1580531369 or ISBN-13: 978-1580531368)
  5. Satellite Communications - Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian, Jeremy E. Allnutt (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 047137007X or ISBN-13: 978-0471370079)
TL444 Transmission and Switching Systems 3 Credit Hours
Line Coding and Scrambling Techniques:

- Review of Unipolar, Polar, and Bipolar Line Coding Schemes
- Multi-level Line Coding Schemes (2B1Q, 4B3T), Scrambling Techniques (HDB3, B8ZS)

Review of Multiplexing Standards:

FDM, analog carrier system, synchronous TDM, data rate management techniques, digital carrier system (DS, T, and E system) and example of DS-1 framing format, statistical TDM

Switching Technology:

Circuit switching, packet switching, and virtual circuit switching

Structure of Switch:

Space-division switch (crossbar switches), multi-stage space-division switch and clos criterion, propagation delay, transmission delay, queueing delay, processing delay, time-division switch, time-space-time (TST) switch, space-time-space (STS) switch, banyan switch

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN):

Telephone handset, telephone base unit, pulse dialing, tone dialing, SLIC (BORSCHT), exchange hierarchy (class 5-4-3-2-1) and their functions, private branch exchange (PBX), customer premises equipment (CPE), local exchange carrier (LEC), interexchange carrier (IXC), ITU numbering plan, charging plan (single-pulse metering, multiple-pulse metering, periodic pulse metering, periodic multi-pulse metering)

Signaling Technique:

- Supervisory signals or line signals, routing signals or register signals, management signals or inter-register signaling
- In-channeling signaling (inband and outband signaling, PCM signaling)
- Common Channel Signaling (CCS), CSS Network (LE, STP, SCP), associated CCS, quasi-associated signaling, non-associated CCS
- Comparison between In-channeling and Common Channel Signaling
- Signaling System 7 (purpose and features of SS7, SS7 network architecture, signaling link types, protocol architecture of SS7, SS7 signaling units, basic call setup)

Traffic Analysis:

Traffic characterization (loss and delay systems), trunk, arrival rate / calling rate, holding time / service time, traffic volume, traffic intensity or average occupancy, traffic measurement unit (erlang, century call seconds)

Traffic Statistics:

call completion ratio (CCR), answer to seizure ratio (ASR) and factors affecting low ASR, network efficiency ratio (NER), call setup success rate (CSSR), call drop rate (CDR), call failure rate (CFR), mean holding time (MHT), mean conversation time (MCT), busy hour call attempts (BHCA), busy hour calling rate (BHCR), Grade of Service (GoS), blocking probability, call congestion, duration of congestion period

Traffic Types:

traffic offered (call attempts), traffic carried (call success), traffic lost (call failure)

Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) / Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH):

Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) overview, advantages and disadvantages of PDH, SONET and SDH overview and its features, SONET signal hierarchy (STS-1 to STS-192) and the comparison of data rates for STS and STM signals, SONET components (STS multiplexer and demultiplexer, add/drop multiplexer (ADM), regenerators), comparison of SONET and existing digital signals, SONET network and layers, SONET frame format versus SDH frame format, SONET (SOH, LOH, POH), SONET virtual tributaries, SDH containers and virtual containers

Emerging Technologies:

- Broadband implementation in commercial exchange and introduction to software switches (soft-switch)
- Unification of circuit and packet technologies, next generation networks (NGN), layered architecture, implementation strategies

Recommended Books
  1. Digital Telephony - John C. Bellamy (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0471345717 or ISBN-13: 978-0471345718)
  2. Telecommunications Switching Principles - Michael T. Hills (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0262080923 or ISBN-13: 978-0262080927)
  3. Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz A. Forouzan (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0073376221 or ISBN-13: 978-0073376226)
  4. Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks - John Edward Flood (1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0130333094)
  5. Telecommunications Transmission Handbook - Roger L. Freeman (4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0471240181)
  6. Digital Transmission Systems - David R. Smith (3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1402075872)
  7. Telecom Systems, PSTN, PBX, Datacom, IP Telephony, IPTV, Wireless and Billing - Lawrence Harte, Avi Ofrane (1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0972805391)
  8. Signaling System #7 - Travis Russell (6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0071822145)
TL423 Wireless Communications 3 Credit Hours

Introduction to wireless communication systems, classification of wireless systems, wireless propagation mechanisms, frequency classifications

Link Performance:

Link budget, path geometry, path clearance and obstruction (diffraction and reflection), impairments to radio systems (rain attenuation, fading etc.), fading, types of fading, fading models (statistical distributions), multipath fading and its alleviation.

Introduction to Cellular Communication System:

History, evolution of cellular system, six basic components in every cellular system

Cellular System Principles:

Frequency re-use concept, co-channel interference, channel assignment methods, handover and roaming, multiple access techniques (FDMA, TDMA and CDMA etc.)

Performance Improvement Techniques:

Power control, cell splitting, sectoring, fixed and dynamic channel assignments.

GSM Systems:

System architecture, frame structure, channel types, GSM link level, GSM handover and roaming

3G Systems and its Evolution:

Spread spectrum based communication systems, concepts and architecture

Lab Outline:

Simulation of propagation characteristics of a radio signal in free space, simulation of AWGN channel, simulation of rayleigh and rician fading channel, simulation of flat and frequency selective fading, simulation of BER performance of various digital modulation schemes (m-PSK, m-QAM) for the AWGN channel and rayleigh fading channel, simulation of frequency hopping spread spectrum, direct sequence spread spectrum and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.

Recommended Books
  1. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice - Theodore S. Rappaport (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0130422320 or ISBN-13: 007-6092011736)
  2. Modern Wireless Communications - Simon O. Haykin, Michael Moher (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0130224723 or ISBN-13: 978-0130224729)
TL483 Mobile Network Planning 3 Credit Hours
Capacity Planning:

Detailed network design and analysis - "capacity design, traffic modeling (Erlang model), reverse/forward link capacity and link capacity equation, network architecture, site surveys and audits, cell site configurations". Link Budgets - "noise figure in link budget, S/N ratio for a mobile user, receiver sensitivity, confidence cell, shadow margin and handoff gain, fade margin, interference, forward/reverse link range, link budget factors (MAPL calculations)."

Coverage Planning:

Coverage design, average path loss models (Hata, Cost 231 etc.), Link budget factors (MAPL calculations), cell site gains and losses, drive testing, identifying antenna types, antenna configurations, coverage goals, equipment characteristics, base station design, spreadsheet based planning and growth planning.

GSM Network Planning (Case Study 1):

Review of GSM system and architecture, reverse and forward links, frequency planning (frequency reuse, frequency allocation, frequency conflicts, handoffs, power control).

CDMA 2000 Network Planning (Case Study 2):

Fundamentals of CDMA2000 standard, radio configurations, wireless architecture, reverse and forward links, logical and physical channels. PN Planning (frequency allocation, pilot increment and search window size, PN offset reuse patterns, PN offset planning, pilot searching process, aliasing). Handoff Planning (soft handoffs, deploying second carrier, hard handoff, interference mitigation, hard handoff triggers, pilot beacon).

Recommended Books
  1. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications: Analog and Digital Systems - William C. Y. Lee (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0070380899 or ISBN-13: 978-0070380899)
  2. Radio Interface System Planning for GSM/GPRS/UMTS - Jukka Lempiäinen, Matti Manninen (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 1441949143 or ISBN-13: 978-1441949141)
  3. Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS - Jaana Laiho, Achim Wacker, Tomas Novosad (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0470015756 or ISBN-13: 978-0470015759)
  4. CDMA RF System Engineering - Samuel C. Yang (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0890069913 or ISBN-13: 978-0890069912)
  5. CDMA Network planning - Qualcomm (Student Notes)
TL476 Multimedia Systems and Networking 3 Credit Hours
Introduction to Multimedia:

Multimedia terminology, media types (text, audio, video and graphics), multimedia applications (elastic and in-elastic traffic), multimedia technologies

Multimedia Networking:

Audio/Video compression, real-time traffic, taxonomy of multimedia applications, video streaming (client buffering, prefetching, and adapting video quality to available bandwidth, content distribution networks (CDNs), case study (youtube, netflix, and kankan systems as case studies for streaming video), conversational voice and video (adaptive playout, forward error correction, and error concealment), case study (skype), RTP/RTCP and SIP, mechanisms within the network that can be used to distinguish one class of traffic (e.g. delay-sensitive applications such as conversational voice) from another (e.g. elastic applications such as browsing web pages), and provide differentiated service among multiple classes of traffic

Networking Issues for Multimedia:

Error resilience, QoS guarantees, traffic shaping and policing, admission control algorithms, queue management, scheduling, issues in multicasting. end-to-end QoS for video delivery, wireless video, error control in video streaming, cross-layer video adaptation, integrated vs differentiated services architectures, network security in IP networks

Multimedia Coding Standards:

JPEG/JPEG-2000, H.26x, MPEG-1/4/7, AVC, scalable video coding, multipoint data conferencing: T.120, error resilience in video codecs: H.26x and MPEG, multimedia over ATM, multimedia over IP: multicast, streaming multimedia over wireless/mobile networks

Wireless Broadband Technologies:

Multimedia applications in WiMax/LTE, introduction to mobile TV, DVB. IP telephony, IPTV

Recommended Books
  1. Data and Computer Communications - William Stallings (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131006819 or ISBN-13: 978-0131006812)
  2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach - James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132856204 or ISBN-13: 978-0132856201)
  3. Next Generation IPTV Services and Technologies - Gerard O'Driscoll (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0470163720 or ISBN-13: 978-0470163726)
  4. Broadband Telecommunications Handbook - Regis J. Bates (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0071346481 or ISBN-13: 978-0071346481)
  5. Broadband Network Architectures: Designing and Deploying Triple-Play Services - Chris Hellberg, Dylan Greene, Truman Boyes (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0132300575 or ISBN-13: 978-0132300575)
TL453 Broadband Digital Networks 3 Credit Hours
Advanced Data and Communication Networks:

Review of narrow-band technologies (ISDN, LAN, MAN, WAN), overview of broadband and emerging technologies (DSL, LTE, PON)

Medium Speed Technologies:

X.25, Frame Relay, CATV, T and E carrier systems

Link Layer broadband technologies:

ATM: protocol architecture, model planes, logical connections, control signaling, ATM cells, cell format, service categories, adaptation layer protocol, MPLS, GMPLS

Broadband ISDN:

B-ISDN interfaces, B-ISDN user access and protocols, digital signaling system, abilities and benefits of B-ISDN, B-ISDN network elements and structures, reference points, protocols, functions of different layers in B-ISDN model, Transportation of ATM cells using SDH/SONET, ATM layer in B-ISDN

Digital Subscriber Line:

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) introduction, architecture, DSL broadband technologies (HDSL, SDSL, ADSL, VDSL), line codes (QAM/CAP and DMT) in DSL, performance issues in DSL, network solutions based on DSL, a case study, next generation digital loop carriers

Latest Broadband Technologies:

Satellite transmission, free space optics, GPON, FTTH and LTE networks

Recommended Books
  1. Data and Computer Communications - William Stallings (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131006819 or ISBN-13: 978-0131006812)
  2. Business Data Communications - William Stallings (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0136067417 or ISBN-13: 978-0136067412)
  3. Data Communications: From Basics to Broadband - William J. Beyda (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 013145692X or ISBN-13: 978-0131456921)
  4. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach - James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0132856204 or ISBN-13: 978-0132856201)
TL499 Project/Thesis 3 Credit Hours

- Review of literature; Introduction to thesis writing; Introduction to scientific manuscript writing; Introduction to plagiarism, types of plagiarism; Thesis layout instructions.

- Students work on their projects and meet with their supervisor as per schedule.

MTH101 Applied Calculus 3 Credit Hours

EL101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 Credit Hours

ES110 Basic Electronics 3 Credit Hours

ES120 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing 2 Credit Hours

ES100 Electronic Workshop 2 Credit Hours

ES112 Basic Electronics 3 Credit Hours
Pre-requisites   |   Nil
Co-requisite   |   Nil
Knowledge Area   |   Engineering Foundation
Course Code   |   ES112
Semester   |   2nd
Effective   |   16TL batch and onwards
Theory Marks   |   100
Practical Marks   |   50
Credit Hours   |   3+1
Minimum Contact Hours   |   45+45
Assessment (Theory)   |   20% sessional work, 20% mid-semester, 60% final examination
Assessment (Practical)   |   40% sessional work, 60% final examination

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 - Cognitive Domain (Level 2): Describe the atomic structure and energy level diagram for intrinsic an extrinsic semiconductors and explain the functions of various materials used in the construction/development of standard electronic components.
CLO2 - Cognitive Domain (Level 3): Demonstrate the basics of diode, its types and various models used to construct different applications such as rectification, clipping and clamping.
CLO3 - Cognitive Domain (Level 4): Analyse the working principle of BJT/FET and differentiate them in terms of construction, symbols, identification and characteristics.
CLO4 - Cognitive Domain (Level 5): Design and identify transistor biasing circuit configuration and connections used to develop various applications such as switch and amplifier.
CLO5 - Psychomotor Domain (Level 2): Carry out experiments on circuitry and circuit-systems used for radio, television, fiber-optic, laser, computer, and microprocessor devices.


I. Introduction to Diodes:

- Atomic structure of elements, energy level diagram of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, doping, formation of P/N type material, semiconductor diodes, forward and reverse characteristics of diode, types of diodes, equivalent circuits of diodes, diode as a switch, special purpose diodes, applications of diodes, half wave and full wave rectifiers, clipper and clamper circuits, voltage multipliers

II. Bipolar Junction Transistors

- Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), transistor operation, types of transistor, transistor biasing configurations, DC and AC analysis of BJT, transistor as a switch and an amplifier

III. Field Effect Transistors

- Field Effect Transistor (FET), FET biasing and configuration techniques, DC and AC analysis of FET and its applications as a switch and amplifier, MOSFET

Lab Outline

The emphasis is first on understanding the characteristics of diodes and transistors. Based on this understanding students are required to construct more complex circuits such as rectifier circuits and power supplies.

  1. Diode: Data sheet reading, analyzing diode characteristics on a curve tracer, finding a defective diode among a batch of non-defective diodes, various kinds of diode and their uses, and drawing of symbols.
  2. Simulation of Basic Electronic Circuits using PSpice/Multisim
Recommended Books
  1. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory - Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky (10th Edition, ISBN-10: 0135026490 or ISBN-13: 978-0135026496)
  2. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits: Electron Flow Version - Robert T. Paynter (7th Edition, ISBN-10: 0131716395 or ISBN-13: 978-0131716391)
  3. A Practical Book on Basic Electronics - Qurban A. Memon, Irfan A. Halepoto (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 9698680144)
  4. The First Practical Book on Electronic Workshop - B. S. Chowdhry and Ahsan Ursani (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 9698680039)
Supplementary Texts & References
  1. Microelectronic Circuits - Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith (6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0195323033 or ISBN-13: 978-0195323030)
  2. Microelectronic Circuit Design - Richard C. Jaeger, Travis Blalock (5th Edition, ISBN-10: 0073529605 or ISBN-13: 978-0073529608)
EN100 English 3 Credit Hours

ES310 Feedback Control Systems 3 Credit Hours

CS115 Introduction to C Programming 3 Credit Hours

CS101 Introduction to Computing 3 Credit Hours

SS110 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2 Credit Hours

MTH110 Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry 3 Credit Hours

PS105 Pakistan Studies 2 Credit Hours

TL421 RF and Mobile Networks 3 Credit Hours

TL401 Telecommunication Policies Standards and Regulations 3 Credit Hours

TL481 Voice and Data Networking in CDMA2000 3 Credit Hours

TL362 Radar System Engineering 3 Credit Hours

RADAR block diagram and operation, RADAR range equation, RADAR frequencies, applications of RADAR

RADAR Parameters:

Prediction of range performance, minimum detectable signal, receiver noise, signal to noise ratio, integration of RADAR pulses, RADAR cross section, transmitter power, antenna parameters, system losses, propagation effects, RADAR clutters.

RADAR Types:

Continuous wave (CW) and frequency modulated RADAR, MTI and pulse wave (PW) doppler RADAR, tracking RADAR.

Components of RADAR:

RADAR transmitters, RADAR antennas, receivers, displays and duplexers.

Detection of RADAR Signals in Noise:

Detection criteria, detector characteristics, performance of RADAR operator, automatic detection.

Recommended Books
  1. Introduction to RADAR Systems - Merrill Skolnik (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0072881380 or ISBN-13: 978-0072881387)
  2. RADAR Engineering - G. S. N. Raju (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 8190694219 or ISBN-13: 978-8190694216)
TL402 Spread Spectrum Communications 3 Credit Hours
Introduction to Spread Spectrum (SS) Communications:

Concept and definitions of SS communications as compared with conventional types of communications, origin of SS communications, implementations of SS communications, spreading sequences, orthogonal and semi-orthogonal sequences.

PN sequences: pseudo-noise (PN) sequences generation and its properties (balance, run and correlation properties).

M-sequences: generation of M-sequence using shift registers (fibonacci and galois feedback generators), characteristics of M-sequence (near balance, correlation and security etc.), polynomial representation of M-sequences, gold sequences: why gold codes, generation of gold codes, finding preferred pair of M-sequences, correlation properties of gold sequences.

Orthogonal sequences: walsh codes, motivation, generation and its properties, application of walsh codes, variable length orthogonal codes (motivation, generation and properties).

Spread Spectrum Communication Systems:

Fundamental of spread spectrum:: concept of spectrum and bandwidth, definition of SS signals, types of SS signals, benefits of SS techniques.

Analysis of SS systems: direct sequence SS systems, frequency-hopped SS systems, synchronization of SS communication system (acquisition and tracking)

Application of spread spectrum: anti-jamming, ranging, multipath suppression, code-division multiple access, recent commercial applications.

CDMA systems: introduction to 2G/3G standards, CDMA 2000 systems and architecture, WCDMA system and architecture.

Recommended Books
  1. Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communications - Rodger E. Ziemer, Roger L. Peterson, David E. Borth (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0024316237 or ISBN-13: 978-0024316233)
  2. Spread Spectrum Systems with Commercial Applications - Robert C. Dixon (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 8126527862 or ISBN-13: 978-8126527861)
  3. CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication - Andrew J. Viterbi (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0201633744 or ISBN-13: 978-0201633740)
TL463 Microwave Engineering 3 Credit Hours

Microwave definition, microwave frequencies, properties of microwaves.

Transmission Lines:

General description of waves on transmission line, e-waves, h-waves, group velocity, phase velocity, impedance and admittance relationship of transmission line, propagation characteristics (attenuation constant, phase constant), travelling waves and standing waves, VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio).

Microwave Network Analysis:

Z and Y parameters analysis, ABCD and S representation of microwave networks, transmission lines, discontinuities and s-parameters, smith chart analyzing rules, smith chart and matching networks, wave-guide transmission line single mode propagation.

Waveguides and Microwave Antennas:

Rectangular wave-guide, problems on rectangular wave guide, cylindrical wave-guide, elliptical wave-guides, propagation characteristic wave-guide, planar circuit technology: microstrip lines and their design, microstrip coupled line filters, antenna design considerations, horn antenna, parabolic antenna, microwave lens antenna, spiral antenna, microwave tubes: high frequency limitations of conventional tubes, bunching and velocity modulation.

Microwave Transmitters and Receivers:

Principles and operation of one cavity and two cavity klystrons, multicavity klystron, travelling wave tubes, backward wave oscillator, microwave solid state devices, varactor diode, PIN diode, GUNN diode and IMPATT diode, directional couplers, power dividers, microwave mixers, theory of mixing, conversion loss, microwave link planning, introduction to MMIc’s, application and limitations.

Recommended Books
  1. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design - Constantine A. Balanis (3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 047166782X or ISBN-13: 978-0471667827)
  2. Foundations for Microwave Engineering - Robert E. Collin (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0070118116 or ISBN-13: 978-0070118119)
  3. Microwave Theory and Applications - Stephen F. Adam (2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 013581488X or ISBN-13: 978-0135814888)
  4. Microwave Engineering - David M. Pozar (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0470631554 or ISBN-13: 978-0470631553)
TL433 Principles of Telecommunication Traffic Engineering 3 Credit Hours

Introduction to traffic engineering from the service provider network (emphasis upon the evolution of traffic engineering, including its role in network transmission from layer 2 to IP technology and MPLS traffic engineering), review of probability theory (distributions, stochastic processes), introduction to traffic theory, tele-traffic models, classical models for voice and data traffic.

Tele-traffic Models:

Telecommunication networks, switching and routing, multiplexing and concentration, multiple access, circuit switched network modeled as a loss network, packet switched network modeled as a queuing network.

Traffic Measurements and Modeling:

Introduction, traffic measurements, traffic variations, traditional modeling of telephone traffic, traditional modeling of data traffic, novel models for data traffic, simple tele-traffic model, poisson model, erlang model, binomial model, engset model.

Performance Analysis:

Objectives and prerequisites, real-time flows and the current Internet protocols, the problem with IP, requirements for an integrated service packet network (ISPN), introduction to QoS, traffic and QoS parameters, hierarchical and administrative network structures, traffic mixes in the network, QoS parameters and their measurements: delay, jitter, data rate.

Application Types:

Introduction, elastic/in-elastic applications, interactive real-time media flows (audio, video), many-to-many communications: IP multicast (group communication using IP, multicast routing, multimedia conferencing), QoS based routing (what is QoS based routing?, addressing and metrics).

Scheduling and Queueing Management:

Introduction to queuing and scheduling, conservation law, fairness, dimensions and strategies, priorities, generalized processor sharing, simple teletraffic model, m/m/1, m/m/n, first come first serve (FCFS), round robin, weighted fair queuing, queue management and congestion control, discussions and summary.

Network QoS Support and Application Level Service Interfaces:

Introduction, intserv, resource reservation protocol (RSVP), diffserv

Traffic Management:

Introduction, traffic and congestion control in IP networks, Internet, ATM technique, service categories and traffic contract, traffic and congestion control in ATM, connection admission control (CAC) and usage parameter control (UPC), ABR flow control.

Application Level QoS Support:

Transport support of QoS: RTP/RTCP, user to network signaling, session related support: SIP/SDP, introduction to VPN

Case Study:

Develop a case study for MPLS architecture

Recommended Books
  1. ITU's Teletraffic Engineering Handbook - Villy B. Iversen (Technical University of Denmark)
  2. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks - Thiagarajan Viswanathan (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 8120307135 or ISBN-13: 978-8120307131)
  3. Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes - Athanasios Papoulis, S. Unnikrishna Pillai (4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0071226613 or ISBN-13: 978-0071226615)
  4. Probability and Random Processes: An Introduction for Applied Scientists and Engineers - Wilbur B Davenport (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0070154406 or ISBN-13: 978-0070154407)
  5. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: ATM Networks, the Internet, and the Telephone Network - Srinivasan Keshav (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0201634422 or ISBN-13: 978-0201634426)
  6. Quality of Service: Delivering QoS on the Internet and in Corporate Networks - Paul Ferguson, Geoff Huston (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0471243582 or ISBN-13: 978-0471243588)
  7. QoS and Traffic Management in IP and ATM Networks - David McDysan (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 0071349596 or ISBN-13: 978-0071349598)
  8. Internet QoS: Architectures and Mechanisms for Quality of Service - Zheng Wang (1st Edition, ISBN-10: 1558606084 or ISBN-13: 978-1558606081)